View Full Version : Just got a new Smoothy Machine.

10-04-2014, 09:44 PM
I'm gonna make it my best friend and begin creating all sorts of yummy, and low fat smoothy concoctions for my younger bro and I.

I usually make these after an evening workout.

I want to eventually have about 3 to 4 of these a day and smaller real meals.

Yes, I think this is My Plan to reducing my size 16 to a comfy size 12.

I would like to be a size 12 forever.

Its just a comfort zone size for me i think....

I must increase exercise and decrease snacks and increase water.

Ironically, I need to double up on my dosage of friggen water pills.

I am experiencing major bloating issues from all the summer hydration(fluid intake) that is.

So, yes I do have a plan Stan.

I will soon be a size 14 and then a size 12.

Nothing smaller than a size 12 though.

I like to be a tad on the tall and yet chunky side of the weight spectrum...

Any suggestions, I could use them as I am very anxious over my weight and needing to drop at least -10lbs ASAP.

I need to be in Total Control @ this powerless point in my miniscual lil life. control, as I feel so out of control with this weight and bloating and crazy food cravings for extreme salty and gooey and sinfully sweet foods.

Oh well good thing I am no Katy Perry ay?


10-04-2014, 10:36 PM
You're not powerless. Weight gain and loss, unless associated to medical issues, is completely in our control. Don't misplace blame, you understand what you do that negatively effects your weight and how to positively fix it.

I also suggest that you re-evaluate why you feel like your life is little and insignificant. Robbing yourself of life value. You're doing a good job at regaining the control you feel you need.

And don't say you're not made to be thin. If that's what you want only you can stop yourself. Picture your goals and work hard to achieve them. Don't give up :)

10-04-2014, 10:52 PM
Strawberry and banana one, please.

10-05-2014, 04:09 AM
Smoothies are great! :)

10-05-2014, 01:46 PM
Someone suggested that I deserve to be thin, but it's not in my power to be thin. I can drop 40 lbs and I still am not thin. Thats like 150 Lbs and still tall and chunky. I wasn't created as a thin baby and I will never be a thin adult. My genes are European and I would look too gaunt if I were thin. I enjoy looking chunky, muscular, and athletic. Thats just me. Currently I am obese, and my goal is to just weigh about 150-165lbs. I get anxious every time I see the weight # on my scale but I must check at least 2x per week. Some of my clothes have literally shrunk, so I probly will never fit back into the pants that I wore last year because I washed them and accidentally put them into the dryer. Then I ironed them, tried them on and realized that none of my other clothes are that tight on me, and I hadn't gained that much weight so I am saving that pair in case I get down to my ultimate goal of size 12. But currently I know I feel bad if I try that pair of pants on and they feel too tight. But they are still new, so I am still keeping them as a motivating force......