View Full Version : Older and more facial flaws Now too.

10-04-2014, 05:01 PM
I think part of the reason I hate to leave the house is because I'm,"Butt Ugly."

I just looked in the mirror the other day and realized that i dont look so cute and youngish any longer.

This is sad for me.

in my 20's I was the,"Cat's Meow."

Now in my older age I am Not so young and cute anymore.

I don't think make up can even hide my scars.

As i fell on my face at 4.5 y/o.

I fell on a slippery painted curb, on something yucky.

I dont recall what ever happened next.

Then, i recovered and went on in life.

And was happy for awhile while I thought that i had some real,"Friends."

But , i think i was just a cover up, emotional,"Charity Case."

They were Nice to me.

But my head was dented and my brain injured permanently.

Thank God for Spell Check too.

So now when i look in the mirror i no longer see "The lovely swan" that mama wanted me to believe that i was.

I have a dent in the mid-line of my forehead, and bumps on my face that I have no idea where they even came from.

Make up just wont cut it.

I must pretend i'm pretty, but its Not easy being avaerage when I felt pretty during The best years of my life.

Oh well, we cant ALL be models of beauty right???

Well, I suppose I could at least focus on my waistline and exercise more to try and appear younger from A Distance.....?

10-04-2014, 09:18 PM
So much emphasis is put on looks, especially women's. I've realised lately how much of my self-worth is attached to my looks, and I'm trying to change that. It's such a waste of time and energy (and health when you risk that to be thin).

I'm 41 now and decided I can't keep trying to look like women in their 20s. I don't want to be one of these women who gets cosmetic surgery (which often looks stupid anyway).

Everyone's looks fade eventually, and other people don't care half as much as we think about how we look anyway.


10-05-2014, 06:20 AM
Everyone's looks fade eventually, and other people don't care half as much as we think about how we look anyway.

True that!

E-Man :)

10-05-2014, 09:26 AM
This might sound weird, but: sometimes I search Google Images for pictures of old women gardening. That image--of a happy, calm, wise-looking old woman taking care of a garden--is what I want to associate with old age. Rather than, you know, commercial animations of creams smoothing out wrinkles. Those women are still beautiful, just not in a Miley Cyrus kind of way--and they don't look like they WANT to be appealing to young folks interested in Miley Cyrus.