View Full Version : Fear of eating ANYTHING

10-04-2014, 08:42 AM
Hello Anxiety friends

Today I come to you for help as I feel completely alone on this one, I fear that anything or everything I eat has been tainted with either LSD, Mushrooms, Bath Salts, or some other kind of hallucination creating drug, I've dropped about 10 pounds in the last week because of it and the only thing I've truly eaten was 2 plates of Nachos from Taco Bell, and I still had the fear that that was tainted with something, I think I'm on the brink of just eating soup for the rest of my life because of this and I can't stop it, no matter how much I try, my Family last night was eating everything they bought without a worry in their mind and I'm shivering while I'm eating Nachos, and they look at me like I'm a total nut case, please, I'm begging for anyone to help me on this, I can't take it anymore and I might just eat after I take Zanax just so I don't worry about it. Again, I'd appreciate any help I could get, because at this point, I'm willing to try anything.

10-04-2014, 11:11 AM
A completely irrational fear is what you have. You must realize and believe in that idea, just as much as you believe in food being tainted by these drugs. Have you ever experienced said drugs? What is your idea of what will happen? You've only seen what the media exposes you to of those said drugs. The real experience is much more interesting, much less terrifying.

Eat your food. Not nourishing yourself is worse than a drug trip any day. Take care.

10-04-2014, 02:48 PM
"But nachos?"
Hello Anxiety friends

Today I come to you for help as I feel completely alone on this one, I fear that anything or everything I eat has been tainted with either LSD, Mushrooms, Bath Salts, or some other kind of hallucination creating drug, I've dropped about 10 pounds in the last week because of it and the only thing I've truly eaten was 2 plates of Nachos from Taco Bell, and I still had the fear that that was tainted with something, I think I'm on the brink of just eating soup for the rest of my life because of this and I can't stop it, no matter how much I try, my Family last night was eating everything they bought without a worry in their mind and I'm shivering while I'm eating Nachos, and they look at me like I'm a total nut case, please, I'm begging for anyone to help me on this, I can't take it anymore and I might just eat after I take Zanax just so I don't worry about it. Again, I'd appreciate any help I could get, because at this point, I'm willing to try anything.

10-04-2014, 02:54 PM
You might consider going to the ER and talking with a psychiatrist on duty. This will only last as long as you allow it to. But I also hear that you have Xanex? Is that from a Dr who prescribed it for you, or from the street? It sounds like mabey the Xanex has expired and isn't working on your severe anxiety anymore. I would def see a clinician for a new med evaluation. Perhaps even a few days in a hospital will help you feel safer , and they can talk to you about not feeling safe when ever you are faced with food. Something must have triggered this anxiety, thats become a specific anxiety = A new Phobia, that is what they call those specific anxieties.

Good Luck, and keep us informed we wish you the best in Recovery. We can't exist w/o food, and water as we are living beings and require these things.....

10-04-2014, 03:03 PM
We can't exist w/o food, and water as we are living beings and require these things.....

Speak for yourself.

And btw, you want him to admit himself into a psyche ward? I did that years ago and I'm still there.

10-04-2014, 03:43 PM
Agree with XeroSnake90, best thing you can do here is to put into perspective your belief. Understand that it's irrational, then you'd be fine.

10-04-2014, 03:48 PM
What does btw mean ? Between women? And you live in a psych ward? Do you work there? They have computers? You are kidding right?