View Full Version : Really anxious over New Relationships........STILL.

10-03-2014, 01:00 PM
Will this feeling ever go away?

Most the friends that were close to me did.

I feel I'm abandoned on a dry, hot, dusty, dirty, dessert.

No new friends to meet and go out with and have fun.

Just work and exercise and house cleaning.

Not even good food, it's all TV crap.

At least it's "Healthy" type though...

But it hurts to have lost a few good friends and never have made any new 1's thereafter....

As a mid aged adult, making friends is NOT the same as it was in college or w/ a few good retail jobs.

will this existence ever improve?

It's NOT just about the water. You are RIGHT.

It's much more complicated.

Life requires, water, shelter,food,friends,work,play,and eventually rest ....

But , I'm stuck here in The Middle. And that too causes ANXIETY.

Like being stuck on an upside down loop at the theme park, on a really hot day.

Wouldn't feel so great , Ha???

10-03-2014, 01:42 PM
Will this feeling ever go away.

Most the friends that were close to me did.

I feel I'm abandoned on a dry, hot, dusty, dirty, dessert.

No new friends to meet and go out with and have fun.

Just work and exercise and house cleaning.

Not even good food, it's all TV crap.

At least it's "Healthy" type though...

But it hurts to have lost a few good friends and never have made any new 1's thereafter....

As a mid aged adult, making friends is NOT the same as it was in college or w/ a few good retail jobs.

will this existence ever improve.

It's NOT just about the water. You are RIGHT.

It's much more complicated.

Life requires, water, shelter,food,friends,work,play,and eventually rest ....

But , I'm stuck here in The Middle. And that too causes ANXIETY.

Like being stuck on an upside down loop at the theme park, on a really hot day.

Wouldn't feel so great , Ha???

That is my "obsession" currently. Having connections..... My best pal is moving out of state. You are right, new friends is a challenge for many people. The good thing is there are so many groups of like minded people everywhere. Support groups, Meetup.com, church, 12 steps, non-religious groups, etc....

10-04-2014, 06:50 AM
I had a few good friends up until a couple years ago.
One of them let me down, was supposed to help me run my company and didn't show up.
One of them became a drug addict and no one has seen him since.
The other good friend had a stroke around the same time that I got sick in 2012.
I don't have any friendships other than my gf, my Dad at the moment.
Living a life in constant pain and soreness has made it difficult too. I can't get around well. Plus, I'm not real enthusiastic like I used to be either. No energy.
All we can have is hope that someday things improve!
Best wishes.

E-Man :)

10-04-2014, 01:32 PM
Yes, we can hope for things to improve!

I had a few good friends up until a couple years ago.
One of them let me down, was supposed to help me run my company and didn't show up.
One of them became a drug addict and no one has seen him since.
The other good friend had a stroke around the same time that I got sick in 2012.
I don't have any friendships other than my gf, my Dad at the moment.
Living a life in constant pain and soreness has made it difficult too. I can't get around well. Plus, I'm not real enthusiastic like I used to be either. No energy.
All we can have is hope that someday things improve!
Best wishes.

E-Man :)

10-04-2014, 02:46 PM
Do you take Anti-Depressant meds?

10-04-2014, 03:30 PM
Yes I do take them....