View Full Version : Need some Advice

Jesse Standard
10-03-2014, 07:50 AM
Hi everyone im new and was looking for some advice. So heres my story, if anyone could give me some answers id greatly appreciate it. For the past 4 years i have suffered with pretty severe general anxiety as well as very sever ocd. It was never really taken care of. I had constant anxiety attacks almost once a week for the past year and in May i had a very heavy anxiety attack. Since that day everything has been different. Have dealt with pretty bad depersonalization and derealization. Throughout the journey with DP/DR i had ups and downs. In about June things seemed to start getting better overall and then i had a pretty bad spleen injury which led me into a hospital for a few days and it was extremely high stress and high anxiety. I came out feeling the DP heavy again. After that i started to go up again bit by bit until my girlfriend of three years got up and left me out of no where with no explanation. Blocked my number, blocked me on all social networks so there was no way i could get a hold of her. I was truly devastated and depression since then has been very very bad as well as the anxiety and DP. The last few weeks have been super bad. I had anxiety attack a few days ago after feeling very very strange and since then i have been completely gone. It started just as pretty bad DP feelings and after turned into this ringing in my ears. Since then i have had a pretty constant ringing and i convinced myself i have psychosis or schizo. Like thoroughly convinced..... Im constantly analyzing. While i was having an attack the other day i felt like computer, analyzing every sound, movement and everything else people were making. Now i feel so disconnected and cant relate to anything. I convince myself that i hear things, and see things. I go on google and look up things and think i relate to them so much. Am i losing it or this is all this ocd anxiety related. Im so obsessed with this feeling of having schizo or psychosis that i think about it all day, literally all day. If anyone could give me some advice or something to let me know if im alright or if im losing it or just anything id really appreciate it.

10-04-2014, 06:15 AM
For the past 4 years i have suffered with pretty severe general anxiety as well as very sever ocd. It was never really taken care of.

You've got to take a stand Jesse!
Make an appointment to see a doctor to help you get this under your own control friend.
Life is filled with major disappointments and issues that are beyond our own control and sometimes we can't deal with them alone.
Go get some help brother! ASAP.

E-Man :)