View Full Version : My life is falling apart

06-29-2008, 10:17 PM
Hi all, my life feels like its falling apart, ive had anxiety probably all my life, so I dont know what its like to be normal and symptom free. Lately I have more bad days than good days i feel so sad and angry most of the time. I need someone to talk to that really understands what i am going through. i try to talk to my husband, but he has no idea what is really going on. Nobody understands. My life is a fake, i spend all my time covering up how I really feel. I am angry at everyone and I am really scared that I might hurt my family or myself. Just wondering if anybody knows were i can get help maybe a helpline or something like that. i need to talk to someone. Ive tried the chatroom here but theres never anybody there. I just feel like I want to run away. :(

06-30-2008, 12:52 AM
its ok for you to feel this way, you can always write a journal of how you feel, and how your day went, write 5 things about what you can appreciate about today, like "atleast im alive", "great weather", listen to some music, theres so many therapist out there too, its not too expensive, but get your self the help you need, dont wait, dont hesitate, start finding help now, do it for yourself. Start planning your days, if you work, plan a 10 min jogging exercise after work. Make short term goals and easy goals. everyones got potential, help is always out there when you need it.

06-30-2008, 08:31 AM
maybe you need a drastic change like divorce or change in whatever you do,
or second honey moon? just an idea ;)