View Full Version : Is this weird?

10-02-2014, 10:38 AM
So I have GAD and OCD. I have two pillows on the bed that are mine....my husband has 4. Yes, 4 pillows. Anyway, I have always had this thing about people using my pillow. I envision them drooling, etc on my pillowcase and I just dont like it. Although my husband has his 4 pillows on his side of the bed. ....he always seems to use mine to lay on nap onand lounge with when he is in the bed. I have told him NUMEROUS times that I dont like it....take the pillow from him and give him one of his 4. It still continues to happen on a frequent basis though and today I snapped at him. I told him I feel like he is doing it on purpose to mess with me. He got mad and said that I should apologize for snapping. I just need some opinions.....is the issue of not wanting to share my pillows weird? He says since we are married i shouldn't make a big deal of it......

10-02-2014, 12:43 PM
Oh Trini I have the same situation. I hate when someone uses my side of bed, my pillow, my half of comforter. It does not matter that is husband or daughter or son. It is crazy and does not help :)) welcome to my world;)
It is good to see you back Trini:)

10-04-2014, 06:41 AM
So nice to chat with you! I am only on the forum sporadically. ..but try to check in at least once or twice a week.
I am glad to hear that I am not the only one like this.....sometimes I really do wonder! He actually came to me a few hours afterwards and told me that he understands that it is something I just do not care for and will try to do better. ....I apologized for snapping. It has only been a day or two and I see a difference.

Hope you are doing well and take care!