View Full Version : Increasing Zoloft dosage

Indrid Cold
10-01-2014, 01:48 AM
I have been on 25mg of Zoloft for three years now, and have toyed around with the idea of asking my doctor about increasing the dose the next time I go see him. While I feel like, in general, I am still better off than I was before I got on it, sometimes my anxiety still gets really bad, and I definitely do not feel like it is working as good as it did initially. The thing is, the idea of increasing the dosage makes me really nervous too. Obviously it is going to make me feel weird and probably worse for awhile. When I was first adjusting to Zoloft when I was first put on it that is what happened, so I am expecting that and that is not all that big of a deal. I am worried, however, that it will not work or not make me feel better, or make me feel lethargic, like a zombie, not be able to think straight, etc. Those of you that take this or are on a SSRI, have you increased your dosage, and if so, did it help?

I am not certain that I am going to do this yet, but now that I am back in school, my anxiety has gotten quite a bit worse. I keep thinking maybe I will wait it out and things will get better, and that may end up happening. I probably will not be seeing my doctor until some time in November unless things suddenly get really bad, but I was wanting your input and advice. Part of me thinks it may not be a good idea to mess with the dosage, but then there is another part of me that wonders what if a dosage increase would make me feel a lot better and really help. It would be a shame if I did not do it when I could be struggling needlessly right now.