View Full Version : Does therapy help? where to start?

10-01-2014, 01:00 AM
I hate anxiety. I know we all do. I want so badly to control it on my own but it's getting much more difficult.

Ever day I think to myself "is this the day something horrible will happen" I feel like because my family has been healthy and safe thus far, it's just any day now that something awful will happen. I'm in constant WHAT IF mode. It's hell. Can't sleep, running on empty and trying to enjoy and take care of my precious 4 month old.

Does therapy work? Where do I start? A psychiatrist? Psychologist? Counselor?

What experiences have yall had the best luck with? Any helpful info? ? What can I expect?? Thanks in advance. ...

10-01-2014, 06:54 AM
I hate anxiety. I know we all do. I want so badly to control it on my own but it's getting much more difficult.

Ever day I think to myself "is this the day something horrible will happen" I feel like because my family has been healthy and safe thus far, it's just any day now that something awful will happen. I'm in constant WHAT IF mode. It's hell. Can't sleep, running on empty and trying to enjoy and take care of my precious 4 month old.

Does therapy work? Where do I start? A psychiatrist? Psychologist? Counselor?

What experiences have yall had the best luck with? Any helpful info? ? What can I expect?? Thanks in advance. ...

Fixed Re-written-

I love my peace, restful, calming nature. We all do. I want so badly to allow my life to unfold on its own terms, to trust, and it's getting much easier.

Every day I think to myself "is this the day something miraculous will happen" I feel like because my family has been healthy and safe thus far, that trend will continue. I'm in constant "what will be, will be" mode, a trusting mode. It's heaven. I can sleep, I'm full of vitality, and I thoroughly enjoy taking care of my precious 4 month old.

At one point I had therapy in my life and it worked because I believed it would. I started from the beginning with my therapist. I was having intrusive thoughts that made me feel badly, and I know I'm a good person, so im meant to always feel good. So the emotions, the thoughts that didn't feel good, I started there, and that led us naturally to where we needed to go. I was fully open and honest, even though I felt shut down, I know I've been shut down to a degree, but I forced myself to completely expose my underbelly knowing a lie would defeat my goals, or repressing anything would prolong my healing.

I trusted my intuition as I called around and finally met with my potential therapist, I believed in my inner guidance as to which one to choose after several calls. Or maybe it was the first call, I don't remember. So it didn't matter the title, unless I was after medication, which I wasnt, because then a psychiatrist would have been appropriate. Either way my feelings led me to my perfect match. I said my feelings, didn't I?

I realized everyone has their own experiences, so again I trusted me, and believed my choice would be just right for my personal concerns. I didn't need any external validation. I also realized my expectations generate from within, and so I get what I expect. So again, I kept the focus on me realizing it was my experience, and I create it.

As far as helpful info, well, someone wrote me a parable on a message board once that helped me, so I too pass that forward here, my life after all has worked out pretty good, and so can yours.

End of lesson/

10-01-2014, 08:15 AM
Therapy helps to relieve trapped emotions and modify behaviours (physical and mental).

Find someone qualified in CBT. Keep looking til you find the right fit for you. Bless you, you deserve happiness.

Meanwhile, I also recommend getting a gratitude app for your phone - seems silly but there is science behind it. Watch this


10-01-2014, 10:28 AM
What you get out of therapy depends on what you put in. A lot of people struggle to open up fully to a therapist and find limited success. Overcoming anxiety takes daily dedication and perseverance. There is no overnight cure. So you have to be willing to work very hard at it. but you will notice results. When you start therapy, if you find it hard to get everything out you wish to discuss send your therapist a letter or email with any issues you wish to discuss. Perhaps say everything you can so it can be discussed during the next session.


10-01-2014, 11:55 AM
Going to see a Psychologist myself on October 8th...
My doctor said that it appears as if I'm teetering on the edge of a nervous breakdown right now..
I think she's more than likely, right...
Trying to maintain and remain positive though, it's tough.
Have a good day friends!

E-Man :)

Tyler Patterson
10-01-2014, 11:24 PM
My god, you're situation is the exact same as mine(minus the four month old, Congrats!) I'm currently in therapy myself but through two sessions i leave feeling relieved but it quickly comes back. Unfortunately i can't tell you anyway to resolve yourself of this feeling. One over the counter remedies i've discovered is Bendryl either liquid or pill, although liquid seems to work better for me personally pills may be better for you. I would suggest trying it one day you don't have work or any responsibilities since it makes some drowsy. Try that out.

10-03-2014, 06:21 AM
I think I can say without overstate, that therapy saved my life. But! It took many years before I found the right kind of therapy. I have been through a lot of different kinds - group therapy, psychoanalys and so on, and they helped me, but they didn't help me with my main problem - GAD and anxiety. But now I've been in KBT for a year (it does not take quick fix 10 times or whatever), and it helped me to become the person I really am, beyond all my worries and anxietyproblems. It's been so god damn hard, and still is, because I have to face all my greatest fears to come out on the other side, but it saved my life.