View Full Version : Preparing for a theme park?

09-29-2014, 08:55 AM
Hello everyone, I really need your help.

A couple years ago I went to Disney with my family and had horrible stomach pains and ended up stuck in the bathroom the entire last half of the day with nausea, lightheadedness and diarrhea. We thought it was heat stroke until the same thing happened the next time I went, and then the next time and then again the time after that. The GI doctor did a full workup on me, endoscopy, colonoscopy, MRI, etc. and couldn't find anything wrong. Eventually I just stopped going to theme parks because it was a waste of money and because I was ruining my family's vacation.

Fast forward 6 months later and I about passed out at work two times in a row. Went to the doctor both times, they did the full heart workup on me and decided I had anxiety. I went to a psychiatrist and sure enough they believe that's what I've had and it's also what caused the stomach issues at the theme park.

I'm on medication now and haven't had a major attack since I've been on it. But it's my son's birthday next month and he wants to go to Disney. I want to take him, but I'm so scared I'm going to ruin it again like I did before. I haven't been to any theme parks or large crowded places since I've been on this medication, so I have no idea how my body is going to react. Does anyone else have anxiety issues and been able to overcome them for theme parks? What did you do to prepare? What helps you while you're there? I really need help here, I don't want to let my family down!

09-30-2014, 06:29 AM
they did the full heart workup on me and decided I had anxiety. I went to a psychiatrist and sure enough they believe that's what I've had and it's also what caused the stomach issues at the theme park. I'm on medication now and haven't had a major attack since I've been on it. But it's my son's birthday next month and he wants to go to Disney.

It sounds like you're a theme park veteran!
A place that's designed to alter your senses and in your case, cause anxiety, tension, stress.
I'm sure that you're not the only one in the bathroom, I probably would be too. Haven't been to one in over 30 years but I recall the feelings of excitement on the rides.
Times have changed for me and obviously for you too.
I would probably test myself somewhere (a mall, a sporting event) first, before I committed to doing something that I couldn't do comfortably. We all have different limits.
Then figure out what you're going to do from there, if it's even possible for you to accomplish this for the family. It just may take more time and patience with yourself.
If it is, it is! If you can't do it, then you can't. Just explain to them why or what's going on with you.
Whatever the outcome, I wish you the best!

E-Man :)