View Full Version : I want to sleep tonight..but I don't know if i'll be able to

06-28-2008, 09:44 PM
So I'm at my grandparents house tonight, and for some reason, I always get bad anxiety when I have to go to bed. It's probably because I don't have a TV to watch happy shows, and the fact that I have to sleep in an area close to the stairs and I'm afraid if a robber where to come in I'd be the first one to be attacked.

Also, I made the mistake today to watch some twisted movie and had to change it. I'm still feeling really disturbed, and my grandmother only made it worse (I doubt she meant to)

She said the person who wrote it was probably possessed, and that increased the anxiety tenfold. So I post this thread asking for advice, AF.

Please supply it :?

07-01-2008, 10:53 PM

I often have a lot of trouble getting to sleep too. Recently I have been listening to audiobooks on my mp3 player. They are great because they use up all of your attention and stop you from thinking circular thoughts etc. If you choose the right book it can also be very soothing just because of the content.
Usually I listen until I realize I'm not following whats going on any more, turn off the player, and go to sleep pretty much right away

You can get free audiobooks from this site:

librivox {dot} org

They are recorded by volunteers so the quality can vary, but its good for free!

I hope you get to sleep soon...