View Full Version : Panic attack - why did it happen???

Lucy Rhinehart
09-29-2014, 03:07 AM
Hi folks,

I have had bad anxiety and panic attacks for many years, but in the last number of years it has been largely under control. I decided I was going to start a yoga teacher training course as yoga had helped me so much over the last 10 years. On the first day of the course I had several panic attacks during the day. There was a lot of meditation involved which I find incredibly hard and quite a trigger for panic for me.

Anyway, I decided to leave the course because I'm worried I had panic attacks because the course wasnt right for me, and maybe it was my mind's way of telling me it felt all wrong. Is this magical thinking or do you guys think that a panic attack can be brought on when something doesnt feel right?

Thanks in advance,

A very confused and upset L.

09-29-2014, 05:25 AM
Is this magical thinking or do you guys think that a panic attack can be brought on when something doesnt feel right?

Deciding to try something new, out of your comfort zone, was obviously the trigger.
You were over-thinking it, uncomfortable with it, a new place, objective, new people, etc...
If yoga had helped you so much in previous years, why was this different?
I suggest you quit thinking about it and go enjoy your life, have fun at the class, meet some new people, and quit painting pictures of some sort of failure within your mind...
Have a good day Lucy!

E-Man :)