View Full Version : Evil sister

09-28-2014, 11:09 PM
Hi all

I just wanted to get everyones opinion. I have a very strange sister. She will try to appear as an angel but deep down she is a demon and over the years I have seen it. I am not crazy here. Everyone in my family knows it. She is sincerely never happy for anything good to happen to everyone. She is jealous and wants everything for herself and gets extremely bothered knowing that someone has something good whether it be an object or just good news. I don't have definite proof, but I highly suspect she scratched my brand new laptop screen within the week I got it.

The laptop screen was FLAWLESS i did not even touch it and it has a scratch randomly. My mom also got a brand new car. Within the first week, a 2 inch scratch on it out of nowhere. She is getting married on wednesday. I do not think I have it in me to congratulate her. As it has been, we haven't spoken for months. I cannot believe a family member could be so evil. So she will be out of this house this week considering she is getting married and moving out, so that is great for me. Do you all think I should congratulate her on her wedding? Should I even try to talk to her? Or is there a point where even if it is family, it's best to cut on those who are truly toxic and evil.

09-29-2014, 05:15 AM
I have a very strange sister. She will try to appear as an angel but deep down she is a demon. Everyone in my family knows it. She is getting married on wednesday. So she will be out of this house this week!! moving out!!!

Sounds like the makings of a great show.
There are people in this world like that.
The Universe will deal with her, in its own special way.
Yes, congratulate her on her wedding considering you'll probably have to be there anyway, just fake it, pretend, act.
Then, ignore her just as you have for months..and let the new husband to be deal with her. His problem now. Not yours.
Good luck!

E-Man :)

09-29-2014, 08:44 AM
Yes congratulate her, and try to be happy for her. Survive the wedding and then go on with your life, happy cause she is not there:)

09-29-2014, 09:20 AM
I agree with the above. You should congratulate her on her wedding. Even if she has not been kind or considerate enough to "deserve" your congratulations, you presumably want to "do the right thing" (else you would not have asked the question on this board) -- the clearly offering your congratulations on her wedding is the right thing to do.

What sort of future relationship, if any, you have with her, is a different question. But you don't have to decide that in any definitive way right now.

One last point: the strong antipathy you appear to have for your sister can be toxic, for you. I am not saying it isn't deserved (I have no idea), but it can gnaw at people to be full of such strong negative feelings. Maybe, over time, you will be able to get to a point where you say to yourself "we have significant differences, I often don't agree with her, and I don't necessarily want to spend time with her, but we should each move on with our lives, enjoying them, and not being burdened by resentment or hatred."

09-30-2014, 08:21 PM
Be the bigger person...congratulate her and wish her well. People who act badly will have to deal with their bad behavior at some point.