View Full Version : Constant feeling of doing the wrong thing (related to recovery)

09-28-2014, 08:27 AM

I have been on sick leave now for about 4 years, for stress, anxiety and depression. Now I am recovering, quite well I think. Still, this is the hardest thing I have been through in my whole life. And one of my biggest problems, who causes me a LOT of pain, is this constant feeling of doing the wrong thing, taking the wrong decisions. This regards everything from "should I read or not read when I eat breakfast today?" to "should I go out with friends tonight" and "should I start dating?". And I have this very strong feeling that I will get sick again if I take the wrong decision.

The biggest question, who makes me crazy several times a week, is this: "Should I meet a friend today, or should I be alone?". And I have constant bad conscience for seeing people to little (is that correct grammar? I'm from sweden ;). It should say that I feel that I should see people more.). I live with other people in a collective, I meet friends, go to al-anon meetings and also I am in rehabilitation. So isolation is not a risk for me. This constant fear is taking up my stress level a lot, and also gives me lots of anxiety.

Do anyone else have this problem - a constant fear or fright of doing the wrong thing?

All my love /Kristina

09-28-2014, 08:50 AM

I have been on sick leave now for about 4 years, for stress, anxiety and depression. Now I am recovering, quite well I think. Still, this is the hardest thing I have been through in my whole life. And one of my biggest problems, who causes me a LOT of pain, is this constant feeling of doing the wrong thing, taking the wrong decisions. This regards everything from "should I read or not read when I eat breakfast today?" to "should I go out with friends tonight" and "should I start dating?". And I have this very strong feeling that I will get sick again if I take the wrong decision.

The biggest question, who makes me crazy several times a week, is this: "Should I meet a friend today, or should I be alone?". And I have constant bad conscience for seeing people to little (is that correct grammar? I'm from sweden ;). It should say that I feel that I should see people more.). I live with other people in a collective, I meet friends, go to al-anon meetings and also I am in rehabilitation. So isolation is not a risk for me. This constant fear is taking up my stress level a lot, and also gives me lots of anxiety.

Do anyone else have this problem - a constant fear or fright of doing the wrong thing?

All my love /Kristina


Your ideas of a friend, lover, are changing. As you grow and feel better about yourself, you will seek out people that match who you are, who you want to be. You are growing now both spiritually and emotionally. It's a time of inner change. And so a small conflict arises between the old and the new. That's ok.

So there will be a time of isolation as you adjust to your new thoughts. Knowing this you can cut yourself some slack, give yourself a break.

Do you want to surround yourself with healthy, wealthy, and wise people? Or addicted , unhealthy, foolish people who drag you down. You may have once had an affinity to them, but you are changing as I have explained.

Knowing now what I have told you, you can begin to feel better, seeking out relationships that are the ideal of who you wish to be. You will gravitate toward them, and naturally want to be with them, you will feel good in their company.

That is all.

09-28-2014, 09:27 AM
Thank you so so much for your answer. It filled my eyes with tears! I am going to save it and probably read a lot of times. Thank you!!!!!

09-28-2014, 09:34 AM
Thank you so so much for your answer. It filled my eyes with tears! I am going to save it and probably read a lot of times. Thank you!!!!!

Namaste to you too, I do see the light within you, like a shining star.