View Full Version : Am I too old to start football/soccer

09-28-2014, 05:50 AM
I'm 26 years old at the moment and will be 27 when the next season starts here (Aus) I'm quite keen to join a team next year, I've played alot of indoor the last year and abit of social football and I love to play, I'd say my skill level is probably a fair bit below some of the better players I play against in these games, but I can usually hold my own for the most part in these more social kinda games without standing out as being too inexperienced, plus I have alot of spare time and I like to practice.

The local team has alot of younger guys in it and I'd be in the lowest adult side with mostly younger people in it and I'd probably be more inexperienced then them, plus I'd have no idea what position I should play etc, I'm not sure what the standard is like at these clubs. I'm wondering people who have been playing for years what would you think of someone like that joining your team? with very little experience in tactics/positioning etc etc as I'm pretty nervous that I'd be out of my league and people not want me there lol. anyone know what the standard is like in the lower leagues in Australian football?

I really wanna do it but I'm very nervous about it lol, it's quite a scary thought.

10-05-2014, 10:57 PM
I would say go for it :) you will drive yourself nuts if you compare yourself to others who have played longer --- everyone has to begin somewhere right. The best thing you can really do is work as hard as you can

10-10-2014, 06:14 PM
i'm in the same position except i'm 30, wish i'd started when i was 27 =)

i'd love to take up boxing too but have the same problem of feeling to old, but i'm guessing when i'm 40 i'll look back and think "should of started when i was 30"

we're going to regret not getting in and having a crack at it

10-11-2014, 04:04 PM
Your never to old to start anything believe me :) i am 39 and I would start something if i wanted to try it :) go for it,plus exercise is great for anxiety