View Full Version : is this what its supposed to feel like? Anxiety or something else...

09-27-2014, 02:06 AM
Hello, 5 or so months ago I experimented with marijuana for the first time. I had never smoked it before.
I experienced fear and panic because I was sure I was going to be killed/die due to being so paranoid during the high. Since then I havent felt the same. I have gone through a lot of symptoms and have seen a lot of therapists who have been useless. I feel alone, and mentally insane.

I am terrified I have schizophrenia or another severe mental illness. despite not seeing any hallucinations or having any delusions (i hope not).

The psychologists/therapist say I am suffering from an anxiety disorder.
I have trouble believing this because wherever I read about anxiety disorders- it seems that an anxiety disorder (panic disorder) IS MAINLY panic attacks.
I dont suffer from panic attacks (apart from random heart palpitations, fear of going insane, fear of losing control/touch with reality)
I also feel I have lost touch with reality/ I think I am depersonalized too but in a more derealization sort of way.

Perhaps I do suffer from panic attacks everyday at random times but only experience them as a strong streak of fear and dispair?

is this normal to an anxiety disorder?
is this what an anxiety disorder commonly feels like?

I want to know, to ease my mind....
if this is really a panic disorder....

I feel the psychiatrists cant help me.... if they cant... then who can?

help me.

09-27-2014, 10:54 AM
Are you 100% sure that it was marijuana?
Yes, this is an anxiety disorder but the story makes no sense if it was just pot.
I would go to see a doctor, to be sure that there isn't anything else going on physically with some simple blood testing.
I have heard stories like this, but it wasn't caused by pot, it was caused by (spice)...a synthetic chemical concoction that is to be like marijuana. Illegal here too.
Has the Psych offered you any medications yet?


09-27-2014, 03:00 PM
Hi... I don't believe it was spice. Perhaps it was. But the person who gave it to me swore it wasn't. As this was 5 months ago I did get a blood test but they found nothing out of the ordinary. Did the people who took the spice recover?
I have to go on citalopram but im too scared to take it...

09-28-2014, 05:25 AM
Hello, 5 or so months ago I experimented with marijuana for the first time. I had never smoked it before.
I experienced fear and panic because I was sure I was going to be killed/die due to being so paranoid during the high. Since then I havent felt the same. I have gone through a lot of symptoms and have seen a lot of therapists who have been useless. I feel alone, and mentally insane.

I am terrified I have schizophrenia or another severe mental illness. despite not seeing any hallucinations or having any delusions (i hope not).

The psychologists/therapist say I am suffering from an anxiety disorder.
I have trouble believing this because wherever I read about anxiety disorders- it seems that an anxiety disorder (panic disorder) IS MAINLY panic attacks.
I dont suffer from panic attacks (apart from random heart palpitations, fear of going insane, fear of losing control/touch with reality)
I also feel I have lost touch with reality/ I think I am depersonalized too but in a more derealization sort of way.

Perhaps I do suffer from panic attacks everyday at random times but only experience them as a strong streak of fear and dispair?

is this normal to an anxiety disorder?
is this what an anxiety disorder commonly feels like?

I want to know, to ease my mind....
if this is really a panic disorder....

I feel the psychiatrists cant help me.... if they cant... then who can?

help me.

My story is the exact same. In March my friends made some pot brownies and I decided to try them just for the hell of it. I had never tried any sort of drug before including marijuana. It was a bad idea. Like you I had extreme paranoia and felt like I was dying. Had a full blown panic attack even though I had never had a panic attack ever in my life. Since then I haven't felt the same. I feel depressed and I often feel scared and question reality almost every day, I too had a fear of developing schizophrenia or becoming psychotic. I haven't suffered from another panic attack but I have anxiety attacks quite often. I'm thinking the derealization we are experiencing is just from anxiety from experiencing the panic attack. Maybe fear of having another one? I would tell people about how I felt and how it started and they would kinda just laugh and say something like woah you must have been pretty stoned cool story blah blah blah. But it was probably the scariest moment of my life.

09-28-2014, 01:54 PM
My story is the exact same. In March my friends made some pot brownies and I decided to try them just for the hell of it. I had never tried any sort of drug before including marijuana. It was a bad idea. Like you I had extreme paranoia and felt like I was dying. Had a full blown panic attack even though I had never had a panic attack ever in my life. Since then I haven't felt the same. I feel depressed and I often feel scared and question reality almost every day, I too had a fear of developing schizophrenia or becoming psychotic. I haven't suffered from another panic attack but I have anxiety attacks quite often. I'm thinking the derealization we are experiencing is just from anxiety from experiencing the panic attack. Maybe fear of having another one? I would tell people about how I felt and how it started and they would kinda just laugh and say something like woah you must have been pretty stoned cool story blah blah blah. But it was probably the scariest moment of my life.

hehe I know exactly what you mean. They say the same thing to me :( I have never experienced something so traumatizing lol. How are you doing now? so it has been roughly 6 months for you now?

09-29-2014, 07:15 AM
hehe I know exactly what you mean. They say the same thing to me :( I have never experienced something so traumatizing lol. How are you doing now? so it has been roughly 6 months for you now?

Yeah about six months. I still feel quite anxious sometimes and I'll feel very strange. Sometimes I feel like a stranger in my own body. Since that incident I've developed Pure O OCD and intrusive thoughts. Very scary thoughts will pop into my head at random times and I will just dwell on it. Like the thoughts about developing schizophrenia I dwelled on that for so long. If I would see or hear someone on TV talking about mental illnesses I would have to leave the room because my anxiety would sky rocket. But it's definitely not as bad now as it was when it first happened. I still do struggle with the depersonalization it comes off and on but I can tell I'm learning to deal with it. I need to stop over thinking and over analyzing things. Don't let one panic attack ruin your happiness! I'm trying not to let it ruin mine. PM me if you ever want to talk about anything.