View Full Version : what are your health anxiety symptoms

09-26-2014, 11:51 AM
Hi, what symptoms of health anxiety do u currently have and how do u manage them? Also wats ur biggest fear due to these feelings

09-26-2014, 07:30 PM
When my health related anxiety is at its worst, I tend to do a lot of research into the illness about which I am concerned. I read medical journal articles and the like. This makes me quite knowledgeable about it, but also increases anxiety.

09-26-2014, 08:36 PM
Hi, what symptoms of health anxiety do u currently have and how do u manage them? Also wats ur biggest fear due to these feelings

Hey ive sufferd with anxiety for just about a year now, started off as just feeling edgy abit pepped up , aggitated not being able to relax easy! It came and went I was managing it with herbal remedies and magnesium which worked wonders at first. My anxiety.would be at its highest after drinking alchol almost unbearable but then gone again the next day. I started to dread evening as my anxiety would be worse and I was having trouble sleeping so I would worry about sleeping therefor not sleep then the panics started.i have still not ever had a full blown panic attack but always felt on the verge of one and was always fighting one off only ever at night.was fine at work and in the mornings .General worrying started to be part of my day to day worrying about things out of my control, dwelling on past memories more and more. Then I got flu I hadnt been sick for a few years and the anxiety spiraled out of control I was convinced I had something worse I have been constantly at the doctors for.blood tests and ultrasounds all normal of course! Was on holiday to new zeland and I was struggling to hide my feeling in public which is how I new it was way worse than before! My throat was in pain one eve on the holiday I made my partner take me.to the hospital as I was convinced my throat was closing up , it was anxiety they gave me laxipan which was amazing and completety calmed me. I couldnt belive I was no making up symtoms in my head! Scary place to be! I thought I was losing the plot I felt distant from my self almost out of body! I was having intense feeling of dread and worry!! And constantly feeling things in my throat and chest which in my mind were cancers and tumours ! They gave me enough laxipan to last till I got home and could see a doctor who gave me zoloft im now on day 12 and can finally see a small glimmery of hope! The last 11 days my anxiety was severly hightend so I would take my 50mg in morn and by the evening id need a laxipan to calm down and be able to sleep! I was experiencing chest pain, head aches nausea zombie like feelings forgetfulness mind clouding ive woken today feeling the most normal I have in a.lomg time im still constantly thinking about my anxiety which I hope the more good days I have the less I will