View Full Version : Stress/Anxiety/OCD (Repeating)

09-25-2014, 01:38 PM
Has anyone ever been so stressed that your anxiety was through the roof, and you started repeating names in your head over and over? Also, possibly having inner dialogue with yourself?

09-25-2014, 10:51 PM
Has anyone ever been so stressed that your anxiety was through the roof, and you started repeating names in your head over and over? Also, possibly having inner dialogue with yourself?

Yes. I have inner dialogue even when I'm not stressed. But when I'm really anxious I find myself repeating like a sequence of numbers in my head. I try to change it to something like a Buddhist mantra because it's quite distressing.

09-28-2014, 05:55 PM
Has anyone ever been so stressed that your anxiety was through the roof, and you started repeating names in your head over and over? Also, possibly having inner dialogue with yourself?

Yes, I think the brain is struggling to concentrate and complete a thought when you do the name/thought over and over. Anxiety/depression/exhaustion symptom for me.

09-28-2014, 07:29 PM
It is very stressing. I recently lost two family members in two weeks, so my anxiety and ocd has been acting up. Is this a sign of PTSD?

09-28-2014, 07:30 PM
JustaGal, you get this often? I have major anxiety, a little depressed, and exhausted, not so much but ocd, and a ton of stress.

09-28-2014, 07:46 PM
It is very stressing. I recently lost two family members in two weeks, so my anxiety and ocd has been acting up. Is this a sign of PTSD?

I was very distressed as well, the Pdoc said it was some kind of mental OCD. It only does it when It seems that I am mentally fatigued. I personally think your brain is just on overload and it is having a hard time processing everything. I do not think it PTSD, but temporary stress over load. Sorry about your losses.

From my experience I would say, let it roll in your thoughts. It will go away...dont be scared or it will get worse. Other thoughts -

Deep breathe
lots of self care
Tell your self soothing thoughts
Good sleep to give your body healing

09-29-2014, 05:35 AM
I recently lost two family members in two weeks. Is this a sign of PTSD?

Very sorry for your losses MAM.
Everyone's anxiety would be through the roof in the wake of such tragedy.
Yes, it is something to do with PTSD.
Go see a doc and a therapist asap...You'll need them both for awhile.
Take care friend!

E-Man :)

09-29-2014, 02:26 PM
I do believe it to be Mental OCD. I do have some physical, but I don't find it distressing, at all, just the mental part. Thank you, I do feel I have been extremely mentally fatigued. My brain was trying to recover from one death, and then came another. On top of two deaths, I lost my job, my license expired, and my car broke down all in a week. I was clearly at wits end. Stress overload can really affect your brain, it scared me. I am so glad I am feeling better, but still not 100%. How long did it take you to recover JustaGal? I was scared at first and I thought I was getting worse because of it. I am going to start a journal, great idea. Any tips on self-care? Insomnia had set it and I know sleeping helps the brain. Trying to be positive when your brain is being negative is a very tall task.

09-29-2014, 02:28 PM
Thank you E-Man. My anxiety, stress, and ocd were definitely through the roof. I used to be able to handle stress but I guess everyone's brain has a limit. I hope I make a full recovery from this. I don't have insurance so finding a free therapist is quite the trick. I saw a doctor, but hope to see a therapist soon, for now, I am trying to manage on my own. Thanks for your kind words.

09-29-2014, 02:41 PM
I do believe it to be Mental OCD. I do have some physical, but I don't find it distressing, at all, just the mental part. Thank you, I do feel I have been extremely mentally fatigued. My brain was trying to recover from one death, and then came another. On top of two deaths, I lost my job, my license expired, and my car broke down all in a week. I was clearly at wits end. Stress overload can really affect your brain, it scared me. I am so glad I am feeling better, but still not 100%. How long did it take you to recover JustaGal? I was scared at first and I thought I was getting worse because of it. I am going to start a journal, great idea. Any tips on self-care? Insomnia had set it and I know sleeping helps the brain. Trying to be positive when your brain is being negative is a very tall task.

I am so sorry to hear what has happened to you. I went back on AD's at that time and it helped. FAst forward 15 years to now, back on AD's and helping again.
So with your insomnia you see how exhausted your mind is and it is going to struggle to function properly. You see how people think and talk without sleep for a while.
I agree about being positive, that is difficult in the heat.
Self care - I would say trying to be physically comfortable, eating good food, walks, anything that can promote some peace for you at this time.