View Full Version : Ive dreaded winter..

09-25-2014, 09:28 AM
Last winter when my anxiety was way intense, before I started my meds, it was winter & one night there was thunder & lightening.. It gave the worst anxiety ever!!

Now, I've been dreading winter because of that. Today is the first day of rain we've had since last winter..

Anyone else get seasonal anxiety? How do you deal with it?? :(

09-25-2014, 09:35 AM
I'm dreading winter too, was when my anxiety rocketed as well, and the summer was when It calmed down.

I'm looking for advise on this as well. But I do suppose 'normal' anxiety relieving methods do work here as well, like CBT and meditation......:)

09-25-2014, 09:40 AM
I'm dreading winter too, was when my anxiety rocketed as well, and the summer was when It calmed down. I'm looking for advise on this as well. But I do suppose 'normal' anxiety relieving methods do work here as well, like CBT and meditation......:)

I'm glad I'm not alone but it's still crappy :(

& I've been doing my breathing techniques. It's helping but I just wish I didn't have to worry about it..

09-25-2014, 10:35 AM
I'm glad I'm not alone but it's still crappy :(

& I've been doing my breathing techniques. It's helping but I just wish I didn't have to worry about it..

You don't have weather that churns your anxiety. You have anxiety that churns the weather.

The earth climate at any given time is a reflection of the psychological climate of the inhabitants in that portion in which they live. In a very real sense, your pores release excess chemicals into the air which can then be reflected as atmospheric changes. Storms seen as violent are merely the earths natural purge of those human chemicals. The earth releases just like you do. As above, so below.

The emotions you have are not confined to your bodies. The body releases the excess which then translates into observable climate changes. In a thunder storm you are meant to feel the power in yourself, that is your energy within you, and in olden times, when man had a deep connection with his environment, he was better able to predict changes by the way he felt inside. A rain dance is highly symbolic in his connection with nature.

The inner turmoil you feel, on a rather consistent basis, is released to an extent, by the bodies regulatory mechanisms, and thus the earth absorbed it. Being your home, and made from the same stuff as you, the body of earth needs to release to. And so you have thunder, rain, tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, in cases of death or violence the people of that territory have been repressed for a matter of time in one way or another, and in one explosive display of inner power, they go out with a bang, so to speak swept up in their own psychic display, in such cases there is a natural sense of rebirth, even in the last few moments of life. A rejuvenation and a release.

I hope to have given you a small connecting piece to your planet puzzle, so you can dream of that connection and not feel so separated or attacked by outside forces. Or alone against Mother Nature.

If anything I provide you with an interesting read. But next time you feel your hair stand on end with electrical forces of lightning, breathe in, take in your true essence, your true power, the same vitality that runs through your bodies, feel it, feel a part of it, feel it's magnificence, it is you, the real you.

If you only knew the power within, storms are symbolic of a deep rememberence, feel it.

We have not spoken of just rainy days, when you peek out the window and feel blue, but the same applies. Internally you are feeling blue, and thus the weather reflects that, allowing you to have your experience. Your neighbors may feel quite elated on a rainy day, they can go to the movies or perhaps relate it to a gathering with friends at home by the fire, and so each has their own experience even as they create it, unknowingly.

The earth, like the weather, is your companion.

That is all.

09-25-2014, 11:05 AM
I'm glad I'm not alone but it's still crappy :(

& I've been doing my breathing techniques. It's helping but I just wish I didn't have to worry about it..

The first few weeks of winter always lower my mood, without fail. I think I feel less freedom: it's dark at 4pm, and too cold to go anywhere.

Don't worry Brookey. Me, you and your rainbow-coloured will get through this together. :)

09-25-2014, 11:52 AM
Hey Brooke,

Yup I hear you on the winter thing. I get really bad with severe thunderstorms. We had more than our share this summer.

Just keep in mind that your life is very different this year than it was last year. Keep looking forward, what was then is not what is now. Don't anticipate trouble because it isn't there!

You've come a very long way sunshine! No looking back!

Cheers Bella!

09-25-2014, 07:50 PM
Last winter when my anxiety was way intense, before I started my meds, it was winter & one night there was thunder & lightening.. It gave the worst anxiety ever!!

Now, I've been dreading winter because of that. Today is the first day of rain we've had since last winter..

Anyone else get seasonal anxiety? How do you deal with it?? :(

Oh yes my anxiety DEFINITELY worsens as fall and winter near. I'm in the south and i like the cooler weather but I HATE the shorter days. For me longer nights=awful anxiety :, (

09-25-2014, 09:35 PM
The first few weeks of winter always lower my mood, without fail. I think I feel less freedom: it's dark at 4pm, and too cold to go anywhere.

Don't worry Brookey. Me, you and your rainbow-coloured will get through this together. :)

I am the exact same way. It takes me a few weeks of winter to get settles

Because winter sucks

Not sure it is anxiety related

I believe it is becasue the winter sucks

09-26-2014, 04:48 AM
Last winter when my anxiety was way intense, before I started my meds, it was winter & one night there was thunder & lightening.. It gave the worst anxiety ever!!

Now, I've been dreading winter because of that. Today is the first day of rain we've had since last winter..

Anyone else get seasonal anxiety? How do you deal with it?? :(

I think that everybody gets (or lets) a change of seasons affect them mentally. SAD. Seasonal Affective Disorder I believe.
I had it for years, in fact decades.
Now, I look forward to the change because it is a time when everyone and everything seems or appears to "slow down". It's a much more tranquil and serene time of year generally.
I look forward to being able to visit family, get positive energy from the happy energy that most children appear to have, especially around the Holidays.
Halloween equals happy kids, even if they are throwing eggs, soaping windows, or toilet papering the trees. I loved all that! LMAO!!
Thanksgiving equals a time to reflect, spend time with family, give thanks, the spirit of sharing a meal together, giving thanks for what you have.
Then Christmas, togetherness, the gift of giving, the heart grows stronger, being with loved ones..
Then, at New Years, we all get to Start Over. A clean slate. A fresh new start.
IF, we choose to see things this way...there is much good to see during this time of the year.
Not just, shitty weather and shitty feelings..it's ALL in how you "see" it.
That's how I deal with it.
I see, sense, and feel what it is that I want to see, sense, and feel..and so can you!
Wishing you all the best friends!

E-Man :)

09-26-2014, 08:35 AM
I am the exact same way. It takes me a few weeks of winter to get settles

Because winter sucks

Not sure it is anxiety related

I believe it is becasue the winter sucks

Thank God for football season. It's the only thing that makes going into winter tolerable.

09-28-2014, 11:44 PM
Thank you everyone for the replies! Good to know I'm not alone!!