View Full Version : Need some help and advice ASAP

09-23-2014, 02:36 PM
Hey guys

How are y'all doin'? I don't know if I should even post it here, but I feel like it's some what relevant. I have a football game tomorrow with the "A-team" and it's my first game with them. This is a huge step for me and I'm really happy.

However, I'm really really f*cking anxious. Like I know it's normal to be anxious, but I'm REALLY anxious. Just thinking about it making me all shaky and weak. And if I play like this, all anxious and weak, I'll most likely play bad.

I need some advice or something to make me a little bit focused and less anxious. Got anything you do when you're about to do something special/huge/important?

Help is appreciated!! :)


09-23-2014, 04:16 PM
Vision yourself at the end of the game. It's over, you went out there and rocked it. You played to the best of your ability and made things happen. Sure the first few moments were shaky. But you settled in quickly and found your stride. At this point it was all instinct. The end result being something no one could b upset about.

Have fun ;)

09-23-2014, 04:27 PM
Once you get on the field, the anxiety will melt away and you will be all about the game.

09-23-2014, 04:47 PM
Vision yourself at the end of the game. It's over, you went out there and rocked it. You played to the best of your ability and made things happen. Sure the first few moments were shaky. But you settled in quickly and found your stride. At this point it was all instinct. The end result being something no one could b upset about.

Have fun ;)

That's actually a really good advice. Thanks! :)

Once you get on the field, the anxiety will melt away and you will be all about the game.

I hope so, it's usually like that. But I was moved up to the "A team" and they're really good. There is always many people watching, which is just making me more nervous and anxious. Hopefully it'll fade away after a couple of minutes into the game!

Thanks encouraging words guys! :)

09-23-2014, 05:49 PM
Accept yourself for who you are and what you are. Give it your best. That is all you can ask yourself. If you give your max effort and accept the consequence whatever it is, win or lose, you have done what you can and have nothing to be ashamed off. Your team-mates will appreciate your effort. You may be the energy guy to help every body bring their 'A' game. The people watching should see your effort and energy and appreciate you. Everybody has nerve before the big games. Even the pros have those nerves. But once the game starts, just focus on the game and nothing else, and let the consequence follows and accept it. Think of it, as good as Henrik Sedin & Daniel Sedin in our Canuck hockey team, as great as Markus Naslund before the Sedin twins, they are all excellent hockey players and yet the still have not won the NHL championship for our Canucks. So all they can do is to give their best and accept the consequence. If you approach it like that, it should take your anxiety and pressure off.

09-23-2014, 06:45 PM
Accept yourself for who you are and what you are. Give it your best. That is all you can ask yourself. If you give your max effort and accept the consequence whatever it is, win or lose, you have done what you can and have nothing to be ashamed off. Your team-mates will appreciate your effort. You may be the energy guy to help every body bring their 'A' game. The people watching should see your effort and energy and appreciate you. Everybody has nerve before the big games. Even the pros have those nerves. But once the game starts, just focus on the game and nothing else, and let the consequence follows and accept it. Think of it, as good as Henrik Sedin & Daniel Sedin in our Canuck hockey team, as great as Markus Naslund before the Sedin twins, they are all excellent hockey players and yet the still have not won the NHL championship for our Canucks. So all they can do is to give their best and accept the consequence. If you approach it like that, it should take your anxiety and pressure off.

True, I agree. It's just, I don't know. My anxiety is irrational and stupid, I don't know what's feeding it. Like, I can't even rationalize the situation. I don't even know why I'm so anxious? Maybe because I'm afraid I'm going to mistakes or maybe it's just the pressure. I've trained with some of those I'm going to play with and they all have a "cocky" attitude and if I do one mistake - it's the end of the world for them. I don't know, I guess I'll just play the best I can, can't do more than that. Thanks! this way of thinking somewhat got the pressure and the anxiety to fade away a little!

Steven Miller
09-23-2014, 09:33 PM
You need to ask yourself why you are playing football. What do you want to get out of it?

09-24-2014, 06:07 PM
Want to let you know, I did good. Came in last 20 minutes and we scored 2 goals. I was really anxious just before the game, but it all went away once I started playing. Thanks for all the help guys! :)

09-24-2014, 06:48 PM
Great job. Now you know the anticipatory anxiety is just useless to stop the pro. Haha. Ya, it is just a paper tiger. Just ignore the little butterfly and have confidence to perform your best. Positivity and confidence will bring good outcome. That is all you can ask of yourself. Congrats.