View Full Version : Vomiting-

06-26-2008, 02:05 PM
I have had many vomiting cases.

I have thrown up in cars 3 times (once I was actually sick, though it didn't make me feel any better because i still have the phobia) Once I was a child in the car going to an amusement park and I was nervous about the car trip, and I threw up on the rental car seat causing my family to pull over and worry about me and the seat. The second time I was at a fair, and I wasnt feeling to great, it was kind of hot out and all I had were greasy fair fries, and I was with my friends family and we were at a country concert (which I am not a fan of country) but they brought me so I figured to sit it out, it'd be done with soon. well we were walking to get the singers autograph and I threw up all over the ground in front of her. Then on the way home on the bus, I threw up on the seat. I just wanted to go home! The third time, I was with my friends and I had drove to a town meeting we all go to, and I wasnt feeling to great (everyone in my house had been sick for 2 weeks and I finally got it I guess) though it was news to me I thought well I must have what everyone else got and I was keeping everything to throw up. Since the meeting wasnt very far from my house, i thought i could hold it and had a friend drive my car instead of me driving. Well all of a sudden we are on our way home and I feel it coming up so I just vomited all over myself, my car and my dignity. though my friends didn't care its been an issue with me every since and its been almost a month now.

I also went to visit a friend in the hospital, it was a hospital that was about 40 mins away from my house, and usually I don't mind going there if I DRIVE (I always have to drive places, it makes me get my mind off my stomach and on the road) so I was all good untill I felt I have to do a number 2 which I dont care about using public restrooms so I went and did my buisiness. my friend had to pee so i was a little embarressed having her hear all of my business as well but like I said she didnt care. So I was alright after I pooped but then I felt sick to my stomach. I ran back to the bathroom thinking I had to barf, and panicing in my head. I then went on to having a panic attack as my friends are waiting for me outside the bathroom. I diahrread this time and just gagged from my nervous stomach. Then we went on the elevator up to the 4th floor and I ran to the bathroom again, this time barfing and just sitting on the floor for probably about an hour. I diahrread again and puked a couple more times. Now my concern was, HOW AM I GONNA MAKE IT HOME WITHOUT POOPING AND THROWING UP IN FRONT OF MY FRIENDS AGAIN? so this made me go into panic mode. I finally splashed my face with cool water, and got up and was fine, made it to my friend and visited, and then I had to leave and poop/barf again. i must have made my friends wait for me for about 35 mins while I was freaking out about this. I finally called my mom (who has it as well but is over it, so she knows what its like) and she was talking me through it. Finally I decided to run back to the car with my friends, (I now carry a plastic bag with me incase i ever need to throw up and i wont do it all over myself.) so i got the plastic bag out and insisted that I drive home. (I drove again, because well *see above*) after about 10 mins away from the hospital i felt fine. and embaressed.

I just thought of another time I threw up in public. I was on a bus for a canada trip for school, my dad was a chapperrone and I was quite nervous because road trips make me nervous, you cant stop if you need to if theres no rest stop to poo or wee or puke. so I just threw up all over myself and my new shirt but luckily i had another one.

it was just humuliating. now wherever I go "what if i puke, what if I have to poop and when I poop what if i get a panic attack again and wont be able to compose myself enough to go home?" its the what ifs that get you, and it sounds so weird and I usually get the "well wherever we go will have a bathroom" yes it will, but what if i panic in it again, cause attention to be drawn to me and have to screw up everyones day again?"

I have gotten to the point where I drive myself everywhere alone. if Im meeting friends "Oh ill take myself" and as you know with gas prices...it would be nice to ride for once, but like i said, if i ride i dont want to inconvienence anyone if I for some reason have to leave or throw up in their car.

its to the point where I havent seen my friends in a week because my 2 best friends are the ones i have recently had my two attacks with and its always when Im with them I feel nervous. or left my house in a week besides work. and at work and on the way to work and home from im happy as a clam. weird.

and what if this every happened when I was with a guy on a date or with a new group of people or friends. its a nightmare. forget about it!

this is embaressing/sad/exhausting. as I write this now I keep getting nausea. anyone else feeling this?

<3 Help. <3

09-18-2008, 07:52 PM
I've been physically ill at times years ago - carry bottled water or I hear ginseng or other stomach remedies can help (maybe antacids, Pepto-bismol or other stomach-calming pink chalk-like drinks). Try Gravol for car trips. But above all else, save your dignity, shirts, car interior and body odours by carrying plastic bags and/or paper towels or kleenex. Good luck.

BTW - Don't feel bad...I'd be sick too if I had to go to a country music concert. :tongue:

11-19-2008, 10:39 PM
I used to throw up. Especially when having to go to job interviews.

I have 'gastrointestinal problems' due to the anxiety and yes some of the meds I've taken (zoloft-pooped all the time and twice at walmart ack) So that keeps me close to home also. I'm betrayed by my head (mind) and my body it seems. :oops: