View Full Version : Random forearm pain

Olive Yew
09-22-2014, 10:39 AM
So my right forearm hurst like i've been lifting weights/exercising it but I havent been. Like at all. And when i try to hold something like a glads of water, my arm shakes like it's fatigued. Anyone get this??

09-22-2014, 10:55 AM
I used to get that all the time! I had this amazing moment the other day, I remembered a few months ago I was terrified of this shaking and pain, then I thought wow it was all just anxiety! This big gush of relief hahah.
With anxiety your nerves are damaged, temporarily.
So my right forearm hurst like i've been lifting weights/exercising it but I havent been. Like at all. And when i try to hold something like a glads of water, my arm shakes like it's fatigued. Anyone get this??

09-22-2014, 11:38 AM
Hi Olive,
When i am at my desk on the computer i always rest my elbows on the desk day after day but in the evening i get numbness and tingling in my forearms. I figure maybe i am hurting the nerves in my arm. Come to think of it i get it in my hands as well.

09-22-2014, 12:40 PM
It's an anxiety symptom.

It's amazing the wide variety of physical things anxiety can make you feel. Numb/weird limbs are one of them.

When adrenaline starts to flow, your body prepares to fight or run away. If you think about it, numb limbs would work well in a fight. You haven't lost any strength, and in a situation you'd still be able to lift it or use it.

Just one of the interesting things our body does, and a bit disturbing when it does it when not necessary. But it's harmless.

09-22-2014, 01:24 PM
Pain and numbness are different. Numbness comes from blood flow being redirected due to fight or flight. Pain is a reaction by the nervous system. Your nerves are on edge and may tighten with or without influence. Having anxiety makes you an on edge person michc of the time. The more you can relax to normal levels the less you'll have these pains :) take care