View Full Version : Ugh...face numb

09-20-2014, 11:48 AM
So it started with the occasional feeling of my lift cheek being almost anaesthetised, which spread to my throat on Thursday so I saw a doctor.

She tested my nerve responses and looked in my eyes and said everything looked fine. She stroked both sides of my face and asked if they felt the same, which they did, and now two days later they don't. The left side feels somewhat less sensitive to touch than the right.

My face feels like it's buzzing/vibrating right now, mainly around the jaw and cheekbones. I have had suspicions of TMJ before but guys this is just ridiculous.

It might be TMJ, it might be anxiety...but if it is anxiety then why do my symptoms keep bloody changing?! Couple of months ago it was weak legs and light-headedness, before that it was burning (and I mean burning!) skin sensations, and now it's numbness? Every time I get used to a symptom it changes, and then I get worried all over again in case it's something serious. Of course numbness in the face is very scary and I can't find many accounts of people getting this symptom as a result of anxiety (I haven't been googling, don't worry, just searching anxiety boards). So I guess this is the long way of asking, how common is this symptom for anxiety sufferers, if at all?

09-20-2014, 12:28 PM
Hi Snowberry, I know every time i get a new ache or pain or a odd shaped rash my health anxiety says " lets see what disease we can make of it " and it usually gets worse the more i fixate on it.

09-20-2014, 03:50 PM
I guess you're right. This is the worst one so far. :( A patch of my left cheek feels all rubbery now. It's so depressing.

09-20-2014, 04:57 PM
Been there. Hate that feeling. Annoying as f&(%

09-20-2014, 06:17 PM
Sounds like when I had pins and needles as well as numbness on my leg. Went to see the doc and as he was poking the leg or I was talking to them about it. Didn't feel a thing. Only came back when I had time to worry about it. Now it's gone :) be positive and stay well. Those things get better.

09-20-2014, 06:24 PM
Thanks guys :( I appreciate your words. I'm going to concentrate on my meditation and my personal projects and try to ignore it for now.

09-21-2014, 07:26 PM
Don't just ignore symptoms. The secret to ridding yourself of them is to forget they ever existed. Keep reminding yourself of them and they stay. Had a nice break through day today myself so no complaints :)