View Full Version : is this due to anxiety? help >_<

06-26-2008, 07:03 AM
I posted a little while ago that I have recently become really paranoid about my teeth, worrying if they are getting worse (after wearing a brace) - they got a bit worse since I came off braces, but this was years ago! I'm now 21.

I believe I suffer from GAD. Recently, I have been feeling this sensation in my teeth/gums - whatever it is lol. Doesn't hurt, just feels like pressure/ache - I really don't think there's anything *wrong* with my teeth... my opinion is that this is brought on by my anxiety, me focussing on this worry too much? Obviously I don't know, and I'm worrying about it! I haven't had this before! The worry just continues, so I have started to worry irrationally about it; like 'omg what if something happens?!' e.g. my teeth fall our or something. I know that anxiety can create a huge amount of physical symptoms...but due to the nature of my problem, I can't stop worrying!!

The funny thing is, the tension headaches I generally get have gone since I have been focussing on this. It seems that I generally have to have a focus for my anxiety - do you think this is the current one? I am going away soon (a dig in the Caribbean! ^_^ I do archaeology), so I'm hoping the business and activity will make this disappear...

I'd really like to hear your opinions on this; I don't want to go away worrying....>_<

Thanks a lot!
