View Full Version : Work Anxiety - Help!

09-20-2014, 04:53 AM
I'm sixteen, and have just recently started my first part-time job.

I still attend college full time, as my job is only on the weekends, but over the last few weeks I've felt a lot of mounting anxiety about it. The idea of speaking to customers and people I don't know all day makes me feel awful and nervous; I get so confused and anxious at the till that I've only just manage to keep myself from having a panic attack.

The anxiety is affecting my day-to-day life: I feel sick constantly, which is affecting my diet and health; I feel really isolated, like I can't talk to anyone about it, and my heart is pounding and I'm shaking most of the time. I've already told my parents that I feel worried about it, but they don't seem to take it particularly seriously. I previously had counselling for coping with exam stress, but I don't want to go back, unless it's a last resort.

I don't want to quit my job (since I've just started it!), but I was wondering whether anyone had any suggestions for coping? I'd really appreciate it.

09-20-2014, 06:46 AM
It pisses me off when I read that parents are ignoring symptoms and a request as you've reached out your hand and asked for help.
My parents were the same way when I was young and it caused me many problems into the future and into adult life as well.
I chose not to be like them, and assisted both of my girls when they appeared to need mental health help and care. Even though I never had any insurance, ever.
I would suggest to sit them both down, and not just talk while passing...explain what is going on again.
If they ignore you again, then go see your school councilor and tell them what is going on. It is a great place to start, without your parents approval or support.
It gets the wheels of success rolling as they may report to your parents, at your request, before this haunts you for a lifetime.
Have a good day friend.

E-Man :)

09-20-2014, 12:46 PM
Hi spodbod, I am with you on speaking to people every day because thats what i do. I get people of all walks of life. All i can say is treat them as you would want them to treat you. I have had many people over the years actually break down and cry in front of me ( very tough for me ) usually when they can not afford to get their furnace fixed in winter time because they have no money. I try and find help for them and console them. On the other hand i have had people get really mad and curse me out. I do get a lot of nice people as well actually more nice than not. I always say it takes all kinds of people to make the world go around. I don't even know what that means but it helps, sort of.
It is Normal to be nervous at a new job everybody is.