View Full Version : New to Anxiety at 26 - please advise me

09-19-2014, 02:28 PM
The last eight months have been very hard on me. I have been feeling anxious and have been playing mind games with myself. I have been feeling worried and it has caused me to experience focus issues as well as the following.
1. Frustration and irritated
2. Very tense neck and back that has caused my neck/back to pop and crack.
3. Minor twitching in eye and left hand
4. Flush face
5. Cloudy head

I have a lot of pressure in my life and have started to put pressure on myself. My question is, what long term effects as this caused on my body? I put a lot of pressure on myself and many people hold me in a certain light. However, I find myself beating myself up over past mistakes and this causes me anxiety.
Will this 8 month period leaving any permanent effects on my body?

This may sound vain but I have read that these kind of anxiety/stress can lead to wrinkles. impotency, small testicles, baldness, grey hair, and cause you to shrink.

I have still been able to operate and no one can tell that I am struggling with this, but I want to know what long term effects this will have on my body?

Has this 8 month period going to cause me any long term side effects?

Thank you


09-20-2014, 03:02 AM
Short answer = no :)

09-20-2014, 06:13 PM
Anxiety will not harm you in the long term. Prolonged stress however is not good for the mind and some good relaxation can ease that. Long term stress just contributes to growing anxiety. Learn to relax and learn how to combat anxiety :) take care

09-21-2014, 07:39 PM
Anxiety will not harm you in the long term. Prolonged stress however is not good for the mind and some good relaxation can ease that. Long term stress just contributes to growing anxiety. Learn to relax and learn how to combat anxiety :) take care

Thank you both for your responses thus far. I am feeling better. So are you telling me that as I move past these rough spots in my life, I will be able to regain my health without any long term effects on my physical or mental makeup?

Thanks again

09-21-2014, 08:34 PM
Yes, keep moving past from your problems. They will ultimately be seen as a fixation that you'll move past the farther you go. Look behind you and you'll see that trouble. Keep moving on until you no longer see it when you look back. And someday, you won't have to look back. Neither do you need to look forward. Just focus on problems and tasks as they currently are. That's how you live a healthy life and avoid things such as anxiety. Well, that's the quick explanation ;) take care and keep moving on.

09-22-2014, 06:30 PM
Don't worry Scott. I had pretty severe anxiety and panic disorders for decades, from 24 to now as a grandpa. There were too many stressful and anxious times in my life with many A & P attacks. I survive them all and now I am living a happy and productive life without wrinkles and with lots of hair still. But yes I am grey due to my age. Hey it is genetic. My Mom turned all grey in her 40s, LOL. Try to do some exercise or leisurely things to unwind and you will be just fine. Also I agree we need to focus on NOW, the present moment in front of us and live it positively. Future is not yet a reality and the past is history. All we get is now. Enjoy it. Take care and God bless.

09-23-2014, 06:23 AM
Also I agree we need to focus on NOW, the present moment in front of us and live it positively. Future is not yet a reality and the past is history. All we get is now. Enjoy it. Take care and God bless.


E-Man :)