View Full Version : Why anxiety attacks during relaxation, quiet times, or out of the blue

09-19-2014, 06:16 AM
The following is an example of why you have anxiety, and why it seems to attack from nowhere, at any time, even those of relaxation. It includes the original quote from a forum members fearful post and my response which is apropo to anyone on these boards. So I will share it here. He/she has been caught off guard with severe anxiety attacks out of the blue, so to speak. The entire post was 'how do I cope with these scary symptoms and why do they attack out of nowhere". It included this statement:

Quote Originally Posted by ----------- View Post
I was talking to my friend and as stupid or lame it sounds I've always said I won't live to be 30

The body and subconscious have been reacting to commands such as this, your whole life. The body does not find you funny or entertaining, it finds you literal in your interpretation of life, and thus it prepares for these experiences, true or false. In a very real sense, you lie to it and pretend it's reactions to those lies are unnatural - an attack, period. You all do.

What I have bonded above is one of the keys to healing yourself. Do not ever invalidate your beliefs by dismissing as silly, or insignificant. Learn to validate or value self and listen. Within the silence and chatter lies clues as to why you are now who you are expressing.

Because of your beliefs your body is forced to deal with stimuli that is either imagined or false, and so you confuse it, into thinking the ideas are before it now to be faced.

The body and subconscious does not discriminate between what is before you now, or imagined.

Now, we will not get into the origins of this conditioning, but know, you are conditioned to act one way and another. It is a personal journey for you to explore and uncover the false truths mostly dating back to your caretakers.

But I will tell you the false assumptions and predictions place stress on the body now, even though the information is from the past or cast out into some future time.

Lastly, by repressing and or dismissing as foolish, the emotions tied to the beliefs will express one way or the other, and often in ways you do not like.

Face yourself, it is the only way, and validate your being, it is in your highest regard. Until then you will have intermittent periods of both relaxation and stress that will seem to come from nowhere. Conditioned triggers will set it off. When I say face yourself, face your beliefs. "Who am I?"

End of message.