View Full Version : How I am coping with Anxiety...everyone plz read

06-26-2008, 01:06 AM
Id like to tell everyone my little story with anxiety, and exactly what im doing to cope with it. I used to be a heavy pot smoker and it was fun and relaxing, after I moved out from my house I noticed that everytime I smoked weed I had a lot of anxiety, it was just uncomfortable, and I just quit cold turkey and since then I noticed I had anxiety. Thinking back now It makes perfect sense to me how it started and why it happend, other words, Im not like surprised I have anxiety, there was a lot of deep rooted negativity and my family isn't really close together, plus my ex-friends are very bad influences on me, when you combine these things for years and years and years, that is some long term instense stress. I decided to not take drugs and just deal with it. My first and only panic attack so far happend around 2 years ago when I was driving on the freeway, since then its been kind of wierd, I still drive on the freeway, but just hesitant and nervous when I drive in the inner lane.

First off I wanna share that overcoming anxiety is possible for anyone, and anxiety is NOT a bad thing, its NOT the devil folks, its normal, without anxiety we all be dead by now, its just too much of it overwhelms our lives and feelings. I read so much bull sh*t on the internet talking about how its not curable and people live with it for life, that used to scare me. I used to worry that I would be like this forever, but now I can see that I wont because as long as you commit yourself to do the work to get better, you will personally witness improvement in your moods and the feeling of relaxation will slowly come back into your life, it just takes time, and I mean time, give yourself that time because life is such a long journey whats the rush anyway.

I had to realize that no body is perfect, so now I dont take critcisms too serious but it took some time for me to really understand that. The four basic habits that I do are Eat well, Sleep well, Try to be positive and practice relaxation techniques(meditation, exercise). Those four are a must, slowly get into the habit of doing them.

Meditation and exercise is the most awesome way to just feel great and feel relaxed, it reminds yourself of how you used to be happy and relaxed.

I advise everyone the next time you wake up from bed, go drink a glass of OJ or TEA and sit somewhere quiet with your legs crossed and just focus on long deep relaxed breathing, and then let yourself breath naturally and be the observer of your breathe, feel your belly expanding as you breathe in and feel the air coming our ur nose when your breathe out, do this for 10 to 15 minutes every single day. AND all those distracting thoughts will enter your mind as your meditating, but dont fight them or try to "fix" them, just recognize those thoughts and come right back to focusing on your relaxed breathing, and those distracting thoughts will keep coming back but your just going to identify them, for example, "there goes an anxious thought, but Imma go right back to focusing on my breathing". and GO EXercise.

I still have anxiety but I work in the mall selling cell phones and harass people to switch companies, I play golf and I shot an 80 about a week ago, which is awesomely good, im not here to brag, but I never could of imagine myself doing this a year ago, our negative imagination affects our emotions is what im saying. I wanna let people know that we can all overcome our issues and cope with anything that bothers you, but nothing is going to solved instantly, give yourself that time and youll be your own witness of self growth and self improvement.

06-26-2008, 09:44 AM
Thanks, cotegt :)

It's nice to hear of your experiece dealing with this problem :) I wish I was able to focus and do the things you mentioned, but the worry and anxiety always gets in the way >_< hehe
However, your post has reassured me once again that it can be done!

Are/were you a big worrier? Or was it a different form of anxiety?

Anyhow, I'm glad you managed to make progress, well done :)

06-26-2008, 04:14 PM
well thats a good question, and i've always been this perfectionist, and people always say it like its a good thing, its such a huge character flaw, I mean if something just goes slighty wrong or not as good as I wanted I feel like i failed, however that "self-critic" inside of all of us will disappear or be ignored as long as we realize you can never fail as long as you give it all you got, because what you learn about yourself during any risk u take or experience u go thru is an indication of success....so yea i've always been the type to worry, but not excessively tho, but once my life start tumbling downwards my attitude and outlook became more negative. But dont get me wrong guys I still have some anxiety and It affects my mood everyday, I mean i usually feel crappy untill I do something that will distract me. I also have a therapist that helps me out, and I get 5 free sessions with him because my work has an employee assistance program.

Most posts up here are a lot of us who are going through chronic stress issues, I wanna let people see the lighter side of this issue, I feel great sometimes I feel relaxed sometimes, sometimes I get a glimpse of how it feels to NOT take life so serious. EXERCISE and MEDITATE guys, do it do it do it, believe in yourself everyday and it becomes a habit.

Anxious Frank
06-30-2008, 07:08 AM