View Full Version : How to deal!

09-18-2014, 02:06 PM
Hey:) Hope your all doing well. I haven't been on for a while and I can't figure out how to use the app on my new phone! Anyways I have been feeling better for awhile now and then bam once again physical symptoms hit me again out of no where I'm not even anxious uggggh! I'll have had countless blood tests, an Mri , x rays, ultra sounds, and the list goes on. I'm still wondering how the hell anxiety can cause such horrible physical problems!! My arms and legs go numb and hurt I feel off balance I have started waking up in the middle of sleep heart pounding and gasping for air!! Ahhhh it's getting old!! How do you guys deal with it! I have horrible left health anxiety I believe. I just want to feel good again... don't we all;)

09-18-2014, 02:21 PM
Hey Meli, speed bumps are normal. Dont fight them.... Its like when someone says dont look down.....your going to look down. So instead of being of afraid of looking down conquer the fear! I get relapses here and there, I used to get frustrated but then I finally realized. Well I cant get rid of the permanently but I can recover and deal with them better and better and better.

So each time the panic comes on focus on your skills you learn and remember you have over come them before. Feeling anxiety is normal is just how fast and how well you recover from it!

09-18-2014, 02:34 PM
The anxious person will experience relapse. Yor mind picks up new ideas rather quickly. However training the brain and nervous system as a whole to relax takes much longer due to outside influences. Relapse will happen. Don't let it drag you back down to step one and you will emerge stronger than before. Worry not, you already know what you're experiencing :) take care

09-18-2014, 03:04 PM
Thank you guys:) I'm trying to focus on how good I've done instead of the bad but we all know how that works! I was talking to my friend and as stupid or lame it sounds I've always said I won't live to be 30 cause you know when your younger that seems so old and it was always a joke welllllllllll in less then a month ill be 30 so she mentioned that could be causing anxiety even though I don't feel it ya know like it's in the back of my head that I think I'm going to die because of something we joked about years ago. So can you have anxiety without being anxious or even knowing?! I know that's like the weirdest thing to think about;)

09-18-2014, 07:37 PM
Yes! You can definitely have anxiety without thinking about it. That's probably my biggest problem. Someone on tv has a heart attack and a week later I have palpitations. So annoying! I can go weeks feeling ok or minimally affected unless I'm sick, but then one day I'm feeling fine and my body freaks out on me. You're completely normal!

09-18-2014, 11:56 PM
I feel off balance all the time too. Even when I think I'm not anxious

09-19-2014, 05:42 AM
I was talking to my friend and as stupid or lame it sounds I've always said I won't live to be 30

The body and subconscious have been reacting to commands such as this, your whole life. The body does not find you funny or entertaining, it finds you literal in your interpretation of life, and thus it prepares for these experiences, true or false. In a very real sense, you lie to it and pretend it's reactions to those lies are unnatural - an attack, period. You all do.

What I have bolded above is one of the keys to healing yourself. Do not ever invalidate your beliefs by dismissing as silly, or insignificant. Learn to validate or value self and listen. Within the silence and chatter lies clues as to why you are now who you are expressing.

Because of your beliefs your body is forced to deal with stimuli that is either imagined or false, and so you confuse it, into thinking the ideas are before it now to be faced.

The body and subconscious does not discriminate between what is before you now, or imagined.

Now, we will not get into the origins of this conditioning, but know, you are conditioned to act one way and another. It is a personal journey for you to explore and uncover the false truths mostly dating back to your caretakers.

But I will tell you the false assumptions and predictions place stress on the body now, even though the information is from the past or cast out into some future time.

Lastly, by repressing and or dismissing as foolish, the emotions tied to the beliefs will express one way or the other, and often in ways you do not like.

Face yourself, it is the only way, and validate your being, it is in your highest regard. Until then you will have intermittent periods of both relaxation and stress that will seem to come from nowhere. Conditioned triggers will set it off. When I say face yourself, face your beliefs. "Who am I?"

That is "how to deal" as you say.

09-19-2014, 09:25 PM
Thank you all for responding. It's nice to talk about it and hear what other people are going through.
Thank you for the post I'm - suffering I have read it quite a few times.

09-20-2014, 06:16 AM
Thank you all for responding. It's nice to talk about it and hear what other people are going through.
Thank you for the post I'm - suffering I have read it quite a few times.

Many of us have had this unfavorable conditioning by our caretakers as a child. At that point in our lives we are so open to suggestions from without. Later on, we can refer to that conditioning from within. Call it up at will, it is our world view and in a way, facts about life. These are not questioned, you must understand, just acted upon.

Often this faulty conditioning asks us to project false interpretations on events and the wold, into the future, using our imaginations, and since our subconscious relies on our correct interpretation of life for its information, we are giving it incorrect judgements about reality and forcing the body then to deal with them. There you have stress and anxiety as the body and conscious mind are confused. What is before them is not the same as what is imagined.

Your thought "I will not make 30" has been with you for quite some time, the body has been making preparations, the subconscious has given false signals,many the ego has become petrified for its very life. The body then reacts on its certain death forthcoming by igniting the nervous system into high gear. This is information that you learned as a child, for certainly the mass belief of the human race is not, we all die at 30.

So when you have a thought such as that, or "I am fat" or "I am depressed and lonely" "I am bad" I am hopeless, incapable of.." "Breast cancer is hereditary" .....when you have any thought......validate it..."ok, I honor my thoughts, but this particular one makes me feel badly about myself, my life, so I will let myself feel it, bringing up appropriate emotions to lead me to why I have this belief". Through your feelings, emotions, they will guide you to the false truths you have been reacting to, and the conditioning that you will need to see as false, to enable true change. You simply will change your mind about them. Changing your beliefs will change your reality. But the emotions attached to the outgoing belief must be severed and attached to the new incoming belief. Beliefs are backed by emotions.

Somewhere someone suggested the weakness of the body, or died young, and gave you the impression that you better get on with it because you too may fall prey to early death. This reasoning of a child you see gave you the belief because the child was afraid, angry, and so forth.

I am teaching you about your psyche here in simple terms, I do hope you can make the connection for you must first connect with "I create my reality by my thoughts feelings, my beliefs. And I do this through creative use of the imagination fueled by emotion" if you believe that, than anything is possible.

There are many releasing methods for unwanted beliefs. Look them up on the Internet for one that you connect with. Thy purpose is to see life clearly, in clear thinking you send correct messages to the subconscious, and the ego can then act using reason intelligence, and intuition, the complete human, and correct use of the faculties given at birth. You will know you see clearly, because your emotions will feel good, period.

End of message, unedited, just given.

Very quickly this is not an edit, it is too long. It was typed as it was given to me. There may be grammar, misspelling typo errors, forgive me please and work around those, any questions just ask or PM.