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anxcious monika
09-18-2014, 09:32 AM
Hi, glad that found the forum. I hope I can find here some help.
I am suffering from anxiety for many years.
I was an abounded child and had to support myself from an early years….had a difficult marriage and had to fight to make a living. 9 years ago I left Poland and settled in Ireland …had to fight again for 8 years to have my degree accepted, have a decent place to stay…basically started from nothing and made my way up for a better life.
Year 2014 is the first year I can enjoy the financial reward and fulfilment…However, the years of fear and stress left its psychological mark…
I get very anxious….sometimes for weeks, sometimes for hours because of the certain situation… There are stages I worry about everything – broken car, broken radiator in the house etc….I get stressed, cry, shout and after I sit down and I think how to resolve the situation.
After that I feel very tired, have headache etc.
Recently I started a successful relationship and I feel that I can rely on my boyfriend. That is the first time I feel I have a good support mechanism.
I made an attempt to unlearn the wrong habit - went to a councillor. It helped a little bit but recently the techniques recommended by the psychologist don’t work…. I get myself in a bad thinking mood, get stressed, anxious, cry and shout if I find myself in stressful situation.
I will appreciate any suggestions and advices.

09-18-2014, 12:50 PM
WOW!!!!!!! Monika!!! Wow!!! You are an inspiration to many. To make it so far and accomplish so much. You should be proud of yourself. Reading what you posted I am PROUD OF YOU!!!! As for your feelings I would imagine that you would have a little anxiety and stress from what you had to go through. I am a chest thumping caveman but I have heard that crying is very helpful sometimes. I can say I have counted on one hand with extra fingers how many times I have cried. But when I did it was the biggest release.

As for techniques for controlling and working with your anxiety. It takes time and practice. Its not something that will work over night. I suffered a year ago from a debilitating Panic attack. 1 year later I have finally got it all under control. I even put myself in an extremely difficult/dangerous situation and made it out safely.

So take your time and bask in your triumphs. You have come so hard and have see so many challenges. But you deserve what you have gained so dont ever discredit it!