View Full Version : Subtle Hyperventilation from Anxiety..

09-17-2014, 09:21 PM
Hello all,

This is my first post and excuse me if there's a thread for this already but here is my experience.

Im a 23 year old, healthy male. Been healthy all my life but looking back I have always had bouts of anxiety but have been able to cope with them.
About 9 months ago, in January i had my first real panic attack after taking an Adderall and smoking a bit of weed. ( I know what I did was irresponsible, and I will never take someones medication ever again.) I took it because im a line cook and was becoming exhausted from the high pace work environment. I thought I was having a heart attack from the increased heart rate from the Adderall and the weed combined with the adrenaline from the panic. My mother was able to calm me down and tell me that i was having a panic attack and that my heart was racing from the drugs. Ive also been an avid marijuanna smoker for a long time, probably because it helped with my underlying anxiety. Ever since that day i was convinced i had hurt my heart because i could constantly feel my heart beat no matter what, and i still can today. I saw a doctor and he assured me that my heart was perfectly fine. A few weeks of relief that i was okay ended abruptly when i started to have scary heart palpitations again that felt like i was having the air sucked out of my chest followed by a heavy thud. Needless to say it caused EXTREME anxiety, so much that I didn't want to do any normal things like going out to the movies or to a friends in fear that i would have a heart attack or some sort of episode. It wasn't until recently that i was able to link it directly to anxiety because i was exhibiting numerous signs of anxiousness e.g. pacing, fidgeting, sweating palms, heart palps. About a week ago i started to focus a lot on my breathing because i felt like i wasn't getting enough air. Now this has happened before when i became nervous around a girl for example and i simply brushed it off as nervousness but recently i haven't felt the same type of anxiety i have been experiencing. I get bouts feeling like im not getting enough air, im having trouble focusing (i feel lightheaded basically but not dizzy) and its making my anxiety worse and causing depression.

Sorry for the extra long post but im having serious trouble sleeping at the fear of me having trouble breathing. I tried to take a nap yesterday and the day before and i couldn't because when i began to drift off, i would jolt awake gasping for a breath. I would almost describe it as subtle hyperventilation. What are your guys thoughts on going to the hospital to seek help? Its 11:17 pm EST where i live. I just want some sort of re-assurance from a professional that what im experiencing is just anxiety and that there is a solution. I can't see a physician for another week or two and i don't think i can wait that long.

Again sorry for writing a book but there is so much on my mind.

Thank you for listening guys,

Much love.

09-17-2014, 10:30 PM
You proabably already know this but I beleive what is causing the gasps for air and panic is just the way you think. By thinking to yourself and obsessing over the breathing issue it is just making it worse. Im not a professional but It sounds to me like its just a fear that you will defenatly be able to get over :). There are much worse anxiety disorders out there and this one seems more easy to manage. I've done some similar things to you, haha, like with the weed and adderall and eventually quit it all because I became anxious over it. Also I used to get terrified around girls (one on one specifically), and from being forced to kind of get over it, Im a lot better. I used to be a heavy smoker (weed) but realised it was slowly causing bad anxiety. Id recoment just taking deep breaths if you feel the anxious feeling coming.


09-17-2014, 10:38 PM
Thanks man, i appreciate it.

Yeah i know that the weed probably caused my anxiety to get worse but it was a certain trigger like panic attack that set it off. The only reason i smoked so much through high school and college was that i wasn't a big drinker. I actually recently cut out all alcohol, started exercising and started eating a much healthier diet (basically no processed foods). Just veggies, fruits, whole grains and proteins. Its especially hard since i work as a line cook. I tried to stop smoking my e cig about a week ago so i was basically cutting out all nicotine and i got so depressed and anxious that i cracked and now im smoking it again. Ditching the nicotine is incredibly hard and caused a lot of unpleasant symptoms. There are a lot of factors at play here lol.