View Full Version : Hello to my watchers in Hervey Bay

09-17-2014, 07:47 PM
Thanks for the phone call. :)

It's pretty obvious how tabs are kept. I don't mind so much the call and the person calling - But I reject the authority and way these people set out to control the lives of others.


I repeat:

The mental health clinic in Hervey bey QLD Australia seems to be run by X-psychotic/prisoners who think they can treat those that visit the place as soft targets who deserve to be treated like shit! They are rude, hostile and unload what would be better ranted in forums like these instead of offloading like they do to vulnerable individuals who have no choice but to attend your office.


I have my agreed visit in my phone - don't mind seeing you Janita - but fuck any onlooker from the back office who thinks they know and can control me.

He thinks hes being watched - Wonder were he got that idea?

See ya soon :)

09-18-2014, 01:12 AM
What a day - My second attempt to see a bulk billing Therapist ended up not toooooo bad. My authentic labeled skitzo Son had an appointment on the same day at the Mental Health Clinic whos answer for him; was to get a job. The irony between his visit and mine was begging for harder medication to ensue. And they wonder why people self medicate and a row of cop cars are on stand by to keep things neat quiet and clean. Need a rest now - will explain later, because even though I think we might have a start on my end with the "saftey net" I'm pursuing ... the pressure my son and the hypocrisy around that has me baning my head regardless.

None the less - We'll teach him how to play their game - The acting out they require and deny is the case - an air I could clearly detect in my session ... no ones fault - its all about where you stand or which side of the paddock one stand or the side of the mountain one is looking from ... they will always air members of the public brow beating others whom appear to be no more than a drain ... If push comes to shove ... "there's the petrol can son" ... YOUR CHOICE!

The very same response "YOUR CHOICE" - was given to him, when he could not understand why the fuck he was being pressured like so. Unfortunately not many people publicize the delima of which I speak and I for one am not currently a good spokes person for the job ... but believe me, there is nothing more demeaning than being forced to apply for a pension when labeled with an appropriate disorder, whilst at that same time being force to look for work by those who at the same time facilitate the psychiatrist that SEDATE the psychotic symptoms.

HERE! here are the forms - We are NOT therapists - Here - here is the Medicine, Here , here is an exemption - Then whilst the application is in with the DXing from authorizes, the ensuing apprehensions and list of interventions and work related incidents - Some doctor who claims their 25 years experience overrides the case to which they have no fucking idea ... says You NEED a Job and that a Job will be the answer to ones fired brain ...

FOLKS - there is No Self-Victimization going on there with the sufferer - there is No self dis-empowerment and self negative talk going on their that you can blame these individuals for Acting Out!!! Your fucking choice - YOUR CHOICE they say - PPPFFFFFFT - what a fucking cop out ... WHAT CAN WE DO FOR YOU .... Yea .... I'm sure you know that one.

SIGH .................. Whatever ..............


Anyways - I'm glad I was able to bypass such treatment on my visit. I really feel sorry for the young ones in such position of which I speak. That's fucking crazy shit. Anyways - Do you remember how I used to play chess down at the demientia center in Toowoomba - back at the old place Dahila. I think I might of been new here then. - I got around to comprimising for a better word ... with regard to reintegration and or simply integration more like it ... as I've never been a so called "member" of society. Talked about the religious Factor and Ideals and how I'll work on that - given most charity is rampant or carries such an air of --- smell perhaps ... hard to explain but given my background and even your own to some degree with the church smell ... you might get why I struggle with that..... None the less ----------- I'm actually pleased I was able to make contact on some level with todays therapist - Thank Goodness for her patients and my willingness.

I'm not thanking God on that one - I'm simply thanking both parties involved. I'll leave it at that for now -

Remember - just use the iggy button if you have a complaint - much more affective than using the moderation here - Having said that - I have nothing but high praise for the freedom of speech in this forum. Jesus Christ - you should see how quick they shut you down on any site with a .gov attached to it, or associated with the local Mental Health Awareness Campaigns ... That really highlights just how muzzled most of us are.

Hopefully we can strech my visits out to last the year and I can stabilize "myself" with the help that's intended to "be" - fuck that shit the young ones are going through now - It's like been beaten if you do or ya don't - bit like the Jesus tents with those kids crying out and feeling so sad that someone had to suffer because of them! That there is your religiosity brow beaten those that can no do and making them feel like shit. Keep up the good work -

Some how I think they'll be a lot more suicide campaigns yet to come. ARE YOU OK? "Would you like a job to go with that?" "You sure now?"

Hi doc -> doc --> "What do you do for a living" - Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz -
Hi My Name is Dave -> "Srry did not catch that; What do you do?"

Comes back to how irrelevant volunteer work is considered - and also how shallow people really that they even bother to gauge each other like so. Sigh - I just am - and with a bit of luck, I'll try to share simply being as opposed to trying to be better.

HEY - what a coincidence - Whilst arriving at the psychologist, there was some question about the paper work regarding my referral - they had to confirm weather I was part of the 12 month mental heath program (bulk bill case) - or siply part of the "Betterment Program" something like that - that if I was part of the betterment program - that they could not bulk bill me. I can't quite remember the whole term, however I was immediately thinking "Oh boy - here we fucking go - a betterment program" John Kabat Zin came straight to my mind - his quote:

“Meditation is the only intentional, systematic human activity which at bottom is about not trying to improve yourself or get anywhere else, but simply to realize where you already are.”

Priceless that is - So relevant to whats going through my head and how it is that I don't gell with the BS notion of selling the happiness card based on Betterment as is so clearly sold. LOL - or I mean major headache material to sift through all that BS right there and then. I have to walk out and get fresh air and decide right there on how the fuck I was going to handle this - or should I even bother trying ... Obviously I did. I must say it was a rocky start - but I was able to clarify how I felt and stand by my messed up self - You do have to compromise within reason ... something that dogma does not know - but reason won through and willingness was fostered - Much better than that shit they dish out to kids. They can use the analogy of birds pushing them out the nest - but the truth is ... Birds have enough time begging for scraps as it is.

Phew ---------------- think I'm done expressing myself - will leave this one in the bottle for Ron. :)

Remember - Use the Iggy Button.

Have a nice day.

09-18-2014, 01:23 AM
RIP Bro - I gave you a good plug today - You were one of those kids like JJ is today - They will never understand the damage they do - perhaps we should offer up a prayer for them - "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do"

Trouble is, they do and they don't care ... it's just too damn hard to crack nuts so instead, out with the chaff they go.

I take heart that your actually gone and no longer exist or be - I take solace in the residual that lives on in me. To be is too hard in such a would as we see - not to be is much more prefralbe to todays beings - on a rock with no space to nest - as it is or so now sits.

In saying that Dahila - that's being kind to myself - I think I should be right with this new lady ... just a few more kinks at home to iron out with my boy and the nest - I'm just not into pushing them out like so, however I think the lady meant no harm with the analogy ... I do look forward to still breathing when it's just the wife and me. :)

I think I can say Peace for now. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

09-18-2014, 03:54 PM
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr TOO HOT to handle hey - gone from a hard Nut to a Hot potato. No matter, I'm used to enabled silence when publicizing like so.

Best stick with the stories of TERROR RAIDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS - coming to a country near you!

You don't need to worry about random beheadings - You should first deal with all psychos killing their kids and spouses ... and or that Vs School Rampages.


What's a matter; not enough sunshine for you?

Australia the only Country Now sending in the troops - You can be expecting a LOT more protests yet to come. I'll leave the can of petrol in the back shed JJ, you know it's the only way they'll listen to ya. ;)

Fucking Toffy Nosed Trolls.

YEA - I said Acting Out Bitch - Ya scribbling that one down - are Ya - are ya! - SHOOT ME! ... You fucking heard - I REFUSE TO FUCKING WORK - scratch scratch goes the pad ... tick , flick ... Oh my , got a hot one here.


Ring Ring - Oh yes, he's at it again.

There's really nothing wrong with him - he's just "acting" - LOL - That's begging for more "action"! Mate you might fool the others, but I'm here to tell ya you charade does not work with me - Went the little chicken to JJ who's prescription is a JOB and bluff to call his "acting" ..............

No Matter - I can smell a phsyc ward coming on (yet again - YOU DUMB FUCKS!) - got the taste for it, just can't wait for it, I can smell a phsyc ward coming on. Quick - get the lad a job!!!!!

High Tide coming in - You have a good day at work now - pay them bills and trudge on through like the better people you be ... Hands you a fucking medal, whilst I'm off for a fish in this wondrous paradise of ours.

HERE"S the truth - We fuck ups as we be ... the sick, the old, but more so those that can no do - You keep reminding us that we can not be content - as you create, promote and incite! - CONTEMPT - towards those such as us - 24 fucking 7 - Pffffft fucking self medicating fucks!!!!!!! - fucking hopeless trash that you should flush! No fucking welfare for you - You've been a Bad Boy - Bad Girl - still no job this fortnight, hmmmm ---- no no - you hopeless lazing fucking cunt! --- No no payment for you --- tisc tisc tisc .... arrrrrrrrrrrrrr goes the blind mice.

You might think yourselves right, writing us older ones off with a final flush - but Jesus Fucking Christ ... what a mob of mindless drones - that holding the reigns this very day.

You poor poor cunts.

And to you sir that knocks at my door with gun on hip - The answer is - None of you God Damn Fucking Business - go your fucking hardest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tides in - goto go -

Have a splendid day now ;)

PS - The herbs are actually growing quite well - They loves Dave's little bubble as it be - Tick Tick and Flick!

Now where's that machete. Couch Cough ... cuff cuff -
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________

Another spin is that's actually smolders here - is that I have now received a couple of payments that rate as income - OMG - takes a few back flips on that ... and I'm heading out again today to see if I can repeat those actions - see if I can ACT out to make a little more - but even if I do - and I know - there are laws to make it tough so that I can't and or I have to break some kind of fucking law - I'll go to my grave with the above attitude - even as a fully fledge working Bee - cough cough - cuff - cuff ..... because what society does and how it hides the facts with religious gloss and or Ideals that smell the same - is simply FUCKED! and will never change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lean to be content with as little as possible - it drives those cunts insane and they will hate you all the more! Fucking Hippies - goes the chant - currently the mob is full of HATE and all those repeated posts of gloss is just as much a symptom to the addiction that has them spinning like so - spinning like others like us all ....................... who the fuck are any of us kidding ...................

Yep ------------- protests. It's just a matter of how they prefer such in order to be heard and or makes it's mark. Kids today have fuck all chance of otherwise being heard. I actually feel for the 22 yold who supposedly was going to behead at random or whatever and however that fucking story goes.

So it is that I go back to my cave and leave you all in the hands of those drones.

Again - learn to be content with less ... learn how to jump through the hoops and above all ... look those drones in the eye ... throw a few more layers on your bubble ... My therapy is going to be all about Mine!!!!! Each Layer I add to mine, will be so that I can make it up and down the isles without feeling the need to take explode as I so often feel - to simply go back to playing Chess in some other Dementia Center, to see if that inner me still exists. I have no more ability to take in any more shit and I think this will be my last rant in here for some time.

Back to the Blog for me ..............

Have a good one ya - all ............... just tel it as it fucking is -------- They can tell you your reactions are over the top - but ya know what - Its YOUR reaction - Pay no mind to the "objection" - or that - thats goes tick and flick - It's best to reacts than not react at all .............................. Ignore the drones!!!!!!!!!! - but do consider yourself. You will always know better than someone else ... I'll let this one I have gone to see - do as they do - after all, they have to have their own bubble in this sea of shit that beckons so many to sink. Lets them steer - just don't take on any of their shit - they are suppose to help you unload and with some luck - the outlook may be a little clearer for one to choose where they would like to go.

They know the ones who are trying and or ready to progress - but no judgments I make on those who are not ready ------------- those that do are the ones that require more acting and then take heart in calling another bluff - those one who are suppose to help, but just make it fucking hard!

Adios .............. You can now flush :)

09-18-2014, 08:34 PM
“Meditation is the only intentional, systematic human activity which at bottom is about not trying to improve yourself or get anywhere else, but simply to realize where you already are.” yOu said it!!!
Dave just calm down, it does not help you to rave? does it? I am going to open S. Maybe you are there :))

09-18-2014, 08:50 PM
Please do not tell me to calm down.

I need to speak as I do.

I am out for the day. I am well adjusted TY. I take meds so that others can live in peace.

Let me go, without the criticism please.

Let's try again.

Good Bye.

09-19-2014, 05:17 AM
Howdy Ponder, Glad you're able to make a buck off that drone thats sweet. I sure hope that you soon find some peace soon. I have been reading bit i decided it best to let you vent and add no comments. Does not mean that i am not thinking of ya. Peace my friend

09-19-2014, 06:46 AM
Thinking of you bruh!
Hoping that today is a better day friend...


09-19-2014, 09:41 AM
Dave I am not criticizing you. I would never do it. I worry about you that's all. I am sorry if it had upset you. I will shot up now

09-19-2014, 02:45 PM
Dahila, I am srry - that particular response of mine was a knee jerky reaction - A lot of therapists have been "telling" me of late instead of "listening" - Your response just felt that way. My Bad.

I hear ya John - of course man ... I get that and it's much appreciated.

Yo Eman - Yesterday was actually not a bad one - I'll see if I can throw some footage of my next proposed camping spot.
__________________________________________________ __

Um - I make a turnaround post later on ........


09-19-2014, 03:04 PM
Hi ya Dave Long time no see! hoping you are doing ok considering the circumstances and wishing you some peace of mind . Take it easy fella and all the best to you and yours.

09-20-2014, 04:22 AM
Hi Cully. Unfortunately the creativity is not flowing that well of late, however I see your Flikr account bodes well in the dept. Thanks for the drop in. Sorry it's not one my more well thought out or Zen like posts.

Theres been a lot of shit going on of late and that news I normally can't stand as it is, has gotten into quite a spin of late. I was almost gob smacked when in the psychologist waiting room - this one did not have that shit pumping out of the speakers - touch wood, hopefully there are none!

Must have something to do with the media frenzy on TERROR RAIDS and the mass hysteria with everyone out protesting about Muslims and their places of worship. I tell ya man - I can see how its upsetting a lot of people with regards to the No Hopers - the undesirables ... the guy I saw on my way out looked as if he had a noose around his neck ...

My second oldest boy - the non skitzo ... or my youngest son - the smart one ... he too is down and out with his literacy on the middle east and capitalism sprawled across his room - well he is in conflict with the mother in law as I once said before - can you believe a grandmother auguring with a young boy on such topics -

Seriously - This country has gone to shit in a big way with the New "harder" Totalitarian freaks that now abound - they started with rounding up Bikies when they got into power and the wife and I saw it coming - not we have a frenzy with raids and fear campaigns that are running 24/7 on telly , radio , papers, - you know - in the fuckiing waiting rooms and hospitals ....

People yelling and screaming at Muslims in the streets .............. campaigns for recruitment in to law enforcement - training for people to become NARCS - and so on .............

__________________________________________________ ________________________________________

Oh well .............. mob of fucking racist yuppies lining up to ware a gun and tell others how to live ... almost makes me want to go out and start cutting off fucking heads!!!!

Lisa - my wife came up with a good one the other morning - about how heads have been rolling for donkeys ages in a lot of places across the world. But you know what they say - if its not in our back yard - fuck the rest of the world - that is until the BS starts to wash up on the shores. Oh My -

Anyways - we might not have great big towers ... but I'm sure the shit will hit the fan the same as it did in the US - We are pretty much fucked up like them now. Those tent cities I said would come, have come. We now have advertisements for people to donate a swag for all the homeless ones ... As if No worries - throw em a blanket ... she'll be right. They ought to be fucking grateful the hopeless saps. Tisc Tisc ...

Sigh oh SIGH .....................


Ya know - I guess people get used to it - they get desensitized to it ............... In America they have been living with it for decades ... those evangelical types grounded themselves in politics about 20 years ago I think it is - I think this prime minister here in Australia thinks he is Bush or something. I also think the US are also tugging his chain ... fuck that alliance! Fuck the politics at any rate - its just a simple case of a lot of HATE currently being preached and sheep being groomed with a LOT of waste hitting the street and or Back Wash being swept with a Buck Up or Suffer Cunts Attitude from those with stiff collars and noses to suit. - To Bad - so Fucking Sad - Know they Place!!!


Feeding frenzy really - I smile to think that NOW my wife turns the channel over ... about fucking time ... I see those morning shows as deserving of Terror!!! A good fucking wake up call is in order for those who live in such Bliss - Pathetic!!!!!!! Makes me sick!


Righto - moving on ....

Just played computer games today - went for a little walk with my wife, but not much other than that. No footage ............ ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I ignored the usually more than average number of flags flying in the wind - baabababahahabababahahababaaaaaa -again - racist fucking sheep ...............

ya just can't fucking get away for it all ............. move where? Who's kidding who!


The wife runs this group/S - a very large and popular social media group/S across this One Nation Under God wank wank lucky country of ours - passes wind ................. "Things For Free" then the name of the town ............... It's a real blast, the kinds of things of things ya see going on in there. I think a bit of my - NOT - got to give to get rubbed off on Lis ... Quite the opposite from my sisters control FREAK Bible Bashing husband - that's for sure.

There's a side of me in there that's just about DEAD! - I told ya's how I used to grow vegies and give them away - I did a bit of work for the old folk too. Tidy up there places - help people move - we even did our own food boxes and helped out with that kind of thing too. Still happens - but a bit different to ya typical church mob that want to know all the details of so and so ... bla bla bla .............. The wife is always getting rid of those judgmental types - instant Ban for those ones.

Anyways - I don't mess with those groups and best I don't - You would be surprised at how many people get dissed - getting by on the generosity of others ... how many get taken advantage of and all that kind of thing - Lis does a good job and has some good moderators ... its a good thing really ...

SO - from there it is - we have come across types that are low key and fairly good at getting by without all the BS hype that's currently being fed - If only we could wipe out both those religious and racist idealistic secular ones - IF ONLY!!! Oh but this and that Oh but I worked so hard and spent so much money learning and attaining ............... all that money we paid to do that Betterment course/therapy or whatever the fuck it is that PUMPED YOU UP!


LOL - to think when I log in and see all those repeated posts spammed like an evangelical slap on the back - Hallelujah Friend ... chuckles to think ................ possy wossy Dave here .... Love and Light ............

ahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa ...................... man oh man .......... I trip into the bush ..........

I don't know .................. wheres my pump! Regaining fitness maybe ........ back on the morning meds ... not so bad ...... need to do more though.

I tell yas what ........ not that ya might care to see ... I need to make a new channel ...... I'll post in that. I'll invite you yo e-man if you don't mind seeing me do some light hearted vids on my hammock afairs with the bush - just a bit of silence with the birds with less sordid posts ....... More like video blogs dude .......... time to show the herb garden I made from sand. Cully , John Pam and Dahila know the go with that. I kind of dropped off from my Blog when My oldest boy needed a perch. We seemed to settled some now with that ........ I just have to ignore the BS being preached and not give the sheep the benefit out my outbursts is all.

I figure I have had my rant now - all good I suppose. Is just the way I is. :) hehe.

No worries guys - I pm you at any rate with a link e-man ... no pressure dude ... if I see ya I see ya ... comments over at my blog I mean.

Done and dusted - I've had my Spaz ......... Leave you to the heart palpitations - chipped nails and all that Jazz.

You guys that did a shout out here in this thread - as crazy as it is:

This place is lucky to have you! - I mean no harm with my pump analogy ... I figure you guys get that - I know you do ... You guys are the real deal!

You guys are genuine.

Thanks for that : )

09-20-2014, 02:30 PM
Hi again Dave very good to hear from you as always! it's shame a shame so much is getting to you that it has drained all your creativity. So much stuff is going on in the world and if you over think all this negative hateful stuff it can only drag you down. Speaking for myself I struggle at the best of times to keep my head above the surface and for my own sanity and well being I try my hardest to avoid watching news reports etc, this sort of stuff eats into my mind like brain maggots and goes over and over and changes nothing except to drag me down. As far as I can see we are all tribal deep down! which ever tribe we subscribe to makes little difference we all believe our own set of values to be right and proper, the trouble then comes when we act on this! every action has a reaction and usually the perpetrator feels fully justified in there actions.
I do miss the videos on the garden etc it's my kind of gardening just sitting on my arse and watching you do all the hard work!!. I am hoping to get a piece of ground here cleared to grow a wild flower meadow for the butterfly's, Bees and flowers so that should be nice to get into with my camera if it's not worn out by then. I am pleased the drone stuff is going well for you I can't believe how high and far you get that to go and the shots you take from it are very impressive. Try and find some more time for yourself just chilling in the bush relaxing that sort of thing does me the world of good! that's my plan for the morning hopefully get out with my camera away from every other bugger somewhere really quiet and see what comes along.

Hi John, Dahila, E.man, Pam and anyone else who can be arsed to read this! I should get back into posting in here again I sort of got out out the habit.

Take care all Cully

09-21-2014, 06:21 AM
Hi All, Good to see you Cully and Dave. I know what what you mean about all the crap on the news. It's sad what we are leaving for our children and children's children. I suppose it goes way back to our roots, one prehistoric caveman steeles a t-rex kill from the group of caveman from a different tribe and the next thing ya know were killing each other or one cave man say we should be worshiping the stars and another says we should be worshiping the sun and next thing ya know were killing each other AGAIN!!!! Sad really sad. Hey, but peace and goodwill to all of you guy's!!!!!!!!!!

09-21-2014, 08:46 AM
It isn't man that one should worry about, it is the mind of man that one should be concerned of as the mind controls our own fate, destiny, future, failure or success.
Just as our own minds cause us to be here on this page, suffering from some sort of mind disorder...Trying to re-order and organize it to our liking, for our own betterment, and our own behavior.
Live for today, forget the past, have hope for the future.
Accept what you can not change, change the things that you can.
A mind filled with bad images, scary thoughts, sad events from the past struggles to maintain a sense of well being..let it all go. Create some new storage space, search for something good.
Quit trying so hard to make the world look like what you think it should, and accept it for the way that it presently is...you can't change the world.
Wishing you all a great day!

E-Man.. :)

09-21-2014, 09:45 AM
And there is the key to awareness for you all. In Johns post. Since time immemorial man has been working out his problems on earth, as it was recorded to a certain point. Man has actually been there for much longer than that in which he will one day discover his true origins - . Although he has committed acts of cruelty against his neighbors, he has never destroyed himself or the planet, you know this to be true because of your history books. Therefor man is inherently good, for the good is the many, and act as the counterbalance. You think your sojourn is the most important one because you are emeshed in it, when it is but a grain of sand in the continuity of existence. You will leave your mark for sure, but what mark will you leave? The good talking bad, or the good talking good, being good?

And to Dave, you can never respect your planet and claim to love it, while you hate yourself and harm your body at the same time. Your body is your own planet, period. Your sacred tool. However, you will never listen to me, your conditioning is too strong, I cannot break through. You are being attacked in your own backyard, and you don't even realize it. Your children and their children are carrying forth your destructive beliefs, concealed in the name of a distorted form of good. And so they are passing the baton down through the generations, you see this first hand, yet even that won't 'click'.

Both you and the hated are part of the same coin, each one blind to that fact since they cannot see the other side.

You have enough on your minds in your own back yard, let alone taking on the worries of the world. No one is going to destroy the world, but in it, little sects will do as they wish. It's their playground too, who are you all to limit anyone's experience because you judge it bad. They are learning too, they are in class, period. What else do you think people are up to? That is the purpose of this all.

I am not judging, or seeking to limit your behavior, so you can't throw me into that mix. I am merely balancing the scales.

What side are you all on? I have told Dave since the first day I was here, to be for the good you can't think good and act bad because you hate it. You need to think good and act good because you love it.

Be careful who you all listen too then. You can feel bad for someone, some country, or world, but don't stay in it until you become a part of it. In those terms these message boards can be as bad or influencing as the newspapers or television, period.

And now I have tried yet again, to reach out. You think I'm any less credible of a teacher because I am on your message board, instead of in a book? Truth is I have many books, who am I?

I would sure like to see a little more good and kindness and i do agree with you that people are inherently good. I think that the media plays into the fact that they continue to show the bad and ugly and NEED to start showing a whole lot more of the good out there. One thing i do not like is being forced by way of fear to believe in someone else's beliefs or way of life. I guess peace to all would be too much to ask?

09-21-2014, 09:50 AM
It isn't man that one should worry about, it is the mind of man that one should be concerned of as the mind controls our own fate, destiny, future, failure or success.
Just as our own minds cause us to be here on this page, suffering from some sort of mind disorder...Trying to re-order and organize it to our liking, for our own betterment, and our own behavior.
Live for today, forget the past, have hope for the future.
Accept what you can not change, change the things that you can.
A mind filled with bad images, scary thoughts, sad events from the past struggles to maintain a sense of well being..let it all go. Create some new storage space, search for something good.
Quit trying so hard to make the world look like what you think it should, and accept it for the way that it presently is...you can't change the world.
Wishing you all a great day!

E-Man.. :)

Hey E-Man Not sure if you realize it or not but a some of what you just posted is in a well known prayer. I think it's called the serenity prayer but don't hold me to that and the author was of german descent but for the life of me i can not remember his name. ( old age )

09-21-2014, 12:06 PM
Guys, I think we all should accept each other for what we are. We are old enough not to try change people. We are what we are, not good not bad, we are. Ims with all due respect, you are not in the position to try to change people, and some of your posts are hurtful, they do not hurt me, I developed selective hearing and reading :)) Maybe you are still young man and you had not learned how to gently deal with sick people. What the heck we all are suffering, aren't we?
Sometimes being gentle brings more results. BTW Dave does not see your posts.
Have a nice day Gentlemen

10-09-2014, 03:00 PM
Hi again Dave very good to hear from you as always! it's shame a shame so much is getting to you that it has drained all your creativity. So much stuff is going on in the world and if you over think all this negative hateful stuff it can only drag you down. Speaking for myself I struggle at the best of times to keep my head above the surface and for my own sanity and well being I try my hardest to avoid watching news reports etc, this sort of stuff eats into my mind like brain maggots and goes over and over and changes nothing except to drag me down. As far as I can see we are all tribal deep down! which ever tribe we subscribe to makes little difference we all believe our own set of values to be right and proper, the trouble then comes when we act on this! every action has a reaction and usually the perpetrator feels fully justified in there actions.
I do miss the videos on the garden etc it's my kind of gardening just sitting on my arse and watching you do all the hard work!!. I am hoping to get a piece of ground here cleared to grow a wild flower meadow for the butterfly's, Bees and flowers so that should be nice to get into with my camera if it's not worn out by then. I am pleased the drone stuff is going well for you I can't believe how high and far you get that to go and the shots you take from it are very impressive. Try and find some more time for yourself just chilling in the bush relaxing that sort of thing does me the world of good! that's my plan for the morning hopefully get out with my camera away from every other bugger somewhere really quiet and see what comes along.

Hi John, Dahila, E.man, Pam and anyone else who can be arsed to read this! I should get back into posting in here again I sort of got out out the habit.

Take care all Cully

Hi Andrew - You know it is rare for me to reply with a quote (Right Vs Wrong Pfft) - but in this case I wanted to let you know just how switched on I think your are. I have no secrets, so don't mind telling you - that I have on more than one occasion mentioned to my few fiends in here, just how smart - moreso so advanced way beyond your years as a human being - You have a HUGE heart man and are always there for others no matter how far they fall. There is no more words to describe how much that means to have a friend like that. Your friendship here, on flikr and even when you pop on on my Blog means the world to me. Just like in your reply here - you often throw me a livesaver ...

A huge thanks for your post here and every where else you make them. It's awesome that you can see potential in me as you do - keep highlighting man - its working :)

10-09-2014, 03:35 PM
To my other friends John, e-man and Dahila - Hope I did not miss anyone (PAM I know for sure and have not heard from in a whiles but hope is OK?)

John - You too have a good heart Brother - you also seem to have patients with regard to my twisted and tormented unravelings. This I have not forget and its plain to see also with your continued friendship. I often feel warmed to read your replies as I'm always looking for your name and see it each time with welcoming eyes.

Much of what you say is quite readable for me and no doubt many others - it takes great skill to to talk as you do. :) If you don't mind, I would like to ask you something and hope you don't take offense.

Just only whilst in any threads I make - could you please avoid quoting "I'm suffering" - I don't see his/her posts as Dahila has recently pointed out. However when others quote him in my threads - it brings me great distress. I can't handle being talked down to and I also feel for others that come under his radar. It's like being scolded by a school teacher that knows no wrong.

Of course I'll live - but I figured I would ask at any rate - I understand how it is that you remain as open as you do - that's yet another great quality about you. Me - well you guys know me well enough - ignoring those things that only weigh me down can only serve to let me soldier on as I do. Cheers :)

__________________________________________________ _______________________

Goes without saying that e-man has also been there for a chat as well - Thanks e-man - You too Dahila - no words needed there. :)


I should really give an update -

a really fast one - hmmm

Since I made this thread - I did a Voluntary admission as some of you know - Dealing with mental illness for a lifetime has had me on the edge quite often these last few months. Given the - rather flimsy stories in here and attempts to shine bright lights - (with a barrage of Go get em motivational speeches combined with this and that CURE - yadda yadda) - it's not wonder some of the older ones have left to find fresh air.

The venting has been good for me - as to the new lessons in ignoring and or switching off which is not relevant and or posses only to set one back.

New 12 month mental health plan in place - So Phcyo Therapy back on the rails. (Much better than any pill I could ever take)

Oh YEA - PILLS - Now tapering off which is a story in itself ..............

Long Term usage starting to take its toll - As too the Bias and dealing with that when appointed to see whatever professional. None the less, I have taken a stand and explains fully my position on that - One must remember that we in our own Bodies KNOW what it working and what is NOT ... it's so easy to give in under that constant shadow of Ingrained Medical Opinions that easily turn in to automated superscribing and so on - THIS STEP is a real - tangible POSITIVE STEP on my part. It needs to be done for many reasons that others would not care to entertain - therefore I simply give them my spiel and drop the guilt and move on with MANY other Options that should be rated higher on the list for recovering and is supose to be on the list, but is not for many as they simply just pop that pill -------------- drudge on with the same ol same ol ............... slipping further down the hill.

OH yea - I also got on another scheme ... Now have a Mentor which seems right on for what I need.

As for creativity Andrew - In the near future - the next webpage you find me on - will be one that I Coded from scratch. I have set my mind to task - in learning webdesign ... but not from some program that promises to do all that hard work for you - they tent to lead into asking for more $$$ to give you more. Learning to code from scratch will give me all the paint I need to do whatever I want with whatever creative spurt that comes to mind!!!

It is VERY BASIC atm ... but I actually love that about it! - SO - I have been rather busy teaching myself online for FREE! ...

Walking again as well and watching my diet - UP and Down I know ... but let's just go things in the right direction for now. Living with Hard Core Mental Illness is not an easy thing.

It's Obvious some of you guys suffer this and know it well - we are the ones that talk to ourselves as we do - when no one else will - AND - we are the ones who tale to others when no one will.

In that - I thank you all for participating in this here thread. :)

In learning this new Language to make my own space on the web - I hope I can find a language for others like myself.

Don't know much about blessings - they seems rather vague given my history - but I do feel a positive vibe and wish you and yours well.

Thanks for being real!

10-09-2014, 05:47 PM
All is good my friend, no offence taken. Peace to you and yours.

10-09-2014, 07:45 PM
all good, same as John said, Hi John:))
It is good to see you mr. Ponder,:)

10-10-2014, 05:01 AM
Hi Dahlia, So glad your trip to detroit went well and as always good to here from you. I spent ALL Monday at the Cleveland clinic with my dad. Test from 7:30 thru 5:00 pm non stop. My Dad was exhausted and so was I. I sure hope that they are able to do the surgery. Peace Dahl

10-10-2014, 10:48 AM
John please keep us posted. I am thinking about you and your dad all the time:)

10-11-2014, 06:21 AM
Thanks Dahlia, you're a peach :)