View Full Version : Feeling of rocking back and forth and pulsing!
06-25-2008, 09:58 AM
I Have anxiety GAD, but recently i have over come pretty much all my fears etc and am back at work full time and starting to enjoy life again.
But im still getting this constant feeling of rocking back and forth, and i am actually rocking cos ive seen myself accidently in the mirror! Its not like a major rocking its very slight and is barely noticable to any one else. But obviously i can feel it big time! Also im still gettting the off balance etc and it makes me feel nauseas etc but im coping!
Im just wondering does anyone else get this sensation? Ive read the list of symptoms and can easily relate to all of them listed but this one doesnt appear in that list!
This sensation is the only thing stopping me from taking back full control my life!
Anyone with the same sensation?!
Cheers for reading
06-26-2008, 05:59 AM
Lots of people read my post but none give a response, i dunno whether to be worried cos im the only one that gets this or what! please post your comments. thanks guys :)
Neill Wright
06-27-2008, 01:37 PM
Yes i have also suffered with the same symptoms as you. I was diagnosed with GAD a few years ago and have also had the feeling of rocking backwards and forwards. I wouldn't worry about it too much thats
quite mild compared to some of the other symptoms i have!
06-27-2008, 11:35 PM
I don't actually think I have heared someone go through this, so maybe it is not too common, I myself don't have any experience like that but I would suggest maybe you go to your family doctor and ask about it? There has to be some sort of treatment for it, whether meds or techniques to even just tone it down. Look more into it. Best of luck.
07-15-2008, 01:36 PM
I know how you feel. My body feels like it's rocking back and forth when I'm experiencing anxiety. It's really scary since I feel like I'm going to faint or fall. It's super uncomfortable but it's just anxiety.
07-15-2008, 11:23 PM
Yes I can relate to this.
Sometimes when Im on my feet I feel as though im slowly rocking back and forth, almost as if im going to pass out so i have to sit down quick! I spoke to my GP and he said it is just part of the anxiety. Nothing to worry about.
Hope you're on the road to recovery!
07-31-2008, 05:39 AM
Thanks guys, its comforting to know im not the only one. Although i do actually rock and sway a hell of a lot pretty much all the time. Even when im completley chilled out and sitting down, I cant believe although i no longer have bad anxiety, i still get this! Its nutz!
I am convinced now that something else is wrong! But i really cant tell. Ive been in contact with the doc so many times about this but everytime i get the brush off! Its a nightmare, i do cope ok with it though and dont let it get to me! Just gotta get on with it aint ya!
Its weird though, its like something clicks in my brain and i shut down for a milli second! Like a mini blackout. There fun, NOT! haha...
If it is anxiety then i will be gob smacked, as if anxiety can do this to me its incredible. What a huge power! Just try to not feed it, because you only feeding your thoughts and at the end of the day thats what anxiety is based on to begin with!
08-08-2008, 11:59 PM
I Have anxiety GAD, but recently i have over come pretty much all my fears etc and am back at work full time and starting to enjoy life again.
But im still getting this constant feeling of rocking back and forth, and i am actually rocking cos ive seen myself accidently in the mirror! Its not like a major rocking its very slight and is barely noticable to any one else. But obviously i can feel it big time! Also im still gettting the off balance etc and it makes me feel nauseas etc but im coping!
Im just wondering does anyone else get this sensation? Ive read the list of symptoms and can easily relate to all of them listed but this one doesnt appear in that list!
This sensation is the only thing stopping me from taking back full control my life!
Anyone with the same sensation?!
Cheers for reading
Nausea, dizziness, and rocking. sounds like you're making yourself seasick. In fact, many times after leaving the ship while I was in the navy, it felt like I was still on board, rocking. Maybe something like this is happening to you. Get your vestibular system (inner ears) checked. And, please see a message Bridgie posted for me.
It's called; "Posting for member Paul."
It talks about inner-ear (vestibular) problems and it's relationship to anxiety. It is under this general forum and as of this writing, it is still on the front page. I had to have her post it for me because it contains many links and I can't post messages with links yet. Need 10 posts and 7 days.
By the way, by focusing on an inner ear problem, I was able to get rid of all my panic attacks and and reduce the anxiety by 95%. Not 1 single full blown PA in 16 years.
08-13-2008, 06:40 AM
definitely a symptom of anxiety. i don't know whether you are taking any medication or not but it can also be a side effect of medication.
07-29-2012, 04:01 PM
hi ya ive been getting really weird symptoms to and im really worried i have something wrong with me i get these werd muscle twitched all over my body in every place u can imagine along with electric feelings in my feet sometimes im soscared but this has al started since a massive panic that i had that i was dying.... what do u mean by the pulsing?
06-21-2013, 12:43 AM
First of all - THANK YOU. This post will help me get some sleep tonight. I make it a point NEVER to google my symptoms because 9 times out of 10, google tells me Im dying when in reality Im not. BUT - tonight, I needed to know something - ANYTHING - to say to my doctor so I didnt seem crazy. After reading this post and learning about this online support network - - I feel so so so much better.
I have been diag'ed with Severe Anxiety. Like you, I have learned to control my symptoms and am well on my way back to a normal productive life. BUT - I rock. Slightly - no one has ever noticed (or said anything to me about it) but I can feel it AND I have seen in a mirror. I even held a glass of water one time to see if it would move and sure enough it did.
I have been worried about it since then - - not knowing that it was linked to my anxiety.
After reading through your post and through the replies, it makes sense and I do feel better. I still plan on bringing it up to my doctor of course but at least I know what kind of information to bring in with me - - to better explain what it is thats going on.
Can I ask what kind of medicine (if any) that youre on? That Anyone is on? I am on Ativan and it seems to help in a pinch which is nice but I was wondering if there was something out there with minimal side effects that I could take on a daily basis to help relieve the anxiety symptoms before they hit?
06-25-2013, 12:04 AM
Does anyone else get the mock pains - - the pains that mask as "Heart Attack pains" - - the pain in the arm and hands?
My doctor told me that I am going to be super sensitive to pain. That what would be a normal and almost not-even-noticeable pain for a person who doesnt have Severe Anxiety is going to be 100 times worse for me. Does anyone else find this to be true?
Im laying here - alone and a little affraid. I know whats happening to me right now - I know its just an anxiety attack and that I am fine. I know that once its over, I will finally get some sleep. Tomorrow is a new day and Im going into it with a strong heart.
But reading the post the other day - - about the slight rocking feeling happening to other people - - that put me right to sleep; finally I was at ease.
Hoping that someone out there knows what Im talking about.
Also - - do you ever find that your anxiety attacks are worse when you are tired?
Thanks for reading this - - and I really hope to hear some of your advice <3
07-20-2013, 11:29 PM
You got rid of your anxiety by fixing an inner ear problem?!
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