View Full Version : For anyone having issues lately. I KNOW WHY!

Olive Yew
09-17-2014, 01:46 PM
It's called Solar Flaring! We're getting thrown off from the solar storm. Read about it here http://www.messagetoeagle.com/solarflareshumanhealth.php#.VBnP-mMgeSo
I was so confused why I had gone for 4 months without incident and then BAM! I'm all sorts of not-okay. So This explains it.

09-17-2014, 04:48 PM
How so dear? You are an astronomy major in space science? Are you a shoe in officer candidate at the Air Force Acadamy for Officer training , and then soon to become a professor of Space Science. Well, good luck. You sound so very smart. Some people are so lucky to be so bright and know a lil about Everything.

09-17-2014, 04:50 PM
How do you do it? You have posted so much w/in 1 short lil year? You must write a lot ha? Thats great.... I hope you some day write a book. I too wish to some day write a Novella about, "Mi Familia in The Ozarks of A...?"

09-17-2014, 04:52 PM
Great brainy waves, keep up the smart thoughts girly- Q...

09-17-2014, 04:52 PM
Makes sense! Mine has acting up abnormally...... and the weather here has been hot as heck!!! I will blame the damn solar flare!

09-17-2014, 09:19 PM
we are the part of this world and everything what is happening is influencing us. I have not problem with solar storm though. I think Olive you need to go to see the doc sweetheart :))

Olive Yew
09-18-2014, 07:33 AM
It was just an idea and i happened to find information about it. I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I guess if I post too much, i'll just stop coming on here anymore. Sorry.

09-18-2014, 07:59 AM
Now don't run off and you can post as much as you want too!!
Hopes for a better day today Olive!

E-Man :)

09-18-2014, 08:13 AM
How so dear? You are an astronomy major in space science? Are you a shoe in officer candidate at the Air Force Acadamy for Officer training , and then soon to become a professor of Space Science. Well, good luck. You sound so very smart. Some people are so lucky to be so bright and know a lil about Everything.

How do you do it? You have posted so much w/in 1 short lil year? You must write a lot ha? Thats great.... I hope you some day write a book. I too wish to some day write a Novella about, "Mi Familia in The Ozarks of A...?"

You like caps? I like the real thing? They are replaceable clones of the real ones...And they need to be replaced eventually.

I hope for your sake there was an empty Margarita pitcher next to you as you wrote those ramblings.

09-18-2014, 08:15 AM
I hope for your sake there was an empty Margarita pitcher next to you as you wrote those ramblings.

J-Man!!! LMAO!! :)

09-18-2014, 08:27 AM
I hope for your sake there was an empty Margarita pitcher next to you as you wrote those ramblings.
Jesse you are so right. The guy must be under influence writing it. I found it insulting:((
Olive is such nice person, :)

09-18-2014, 08:32 AM
It's good to be in touch with the latest news and topics that Interest you. This gives you more to talk about when you 1 day meet your zany, scientist, hubby to be. More power to you young lady. And please do not be offended by any remarks that you read here. Sometimes its like Free Association and the next remark that comes to mind is at times a bit off topic? I love hearing about the newest hypothesis and sci theories, as everything is changing and evolving around us and out world so quickly...But really I think our gov is spending way to much searching for little green men up there in space when our school kids down here need more school supplies that Last until the end of the year in public school. Also they could fund more basic science classes for the middle school so that when they enter High School for a bio class the students aren't using beakers during a heat wave for water fights w/in the class, and respect the tap water knobs and learn to not waste water by filling the science lab sinks up to the point of overflow, and thus wasting water, and the teachers energy who then must call the custodian to clean up any spillage and overflow. They could be programmed earlier to respect science as they do a foreign language class or their art classes.....

Olive Yew
09-18-2014, 09:13 AM
It's good to be in touch with the latest news and topics that Interest you. This gives you more to talk about when you 1 day meet your zany, scientist, hubby to be. More power to you young lady. And please do not be offended by any remarks that you read here. Sometimes its like Free Association and the next remark that comes to mind is at times a bit off topic? I love hearing about the newest hypothesis and sci theories, as everything is changing and evolving around us and out world so quickly...But really I think our gov is spending way to much searching for little green men up there in space when our school kids down here need more school supplies that Last until the end of the year in public school. Also they could fund more basic science classes for the middle school so that when they enter High School for a bio class the students aren't using beakers during a heat wave for water fights w/in the class, and respect the tap water knobs and learn to not waste water by filling the science lab sinks up to the point of overflow, and thus wasting water, and the teachers energy who then must call the custodian to clean up any spillage and overflow. They could be programmed earlier to respect science as they do a foreign language class or their art classes.....

I get the impression you work in a school.... I have never had any of those issues in the schools I went to. It was made very clear to us that if we misbehaved in the lab, we would not be coming back to lab. I think the worst thing that happened was one of the kids caught his hair on fire on accident and had to use the emergency shower. But it was an accident. Different schools are run differently and their kids function on different levels. A lower income school isnt going to be as up to date as a higher income school. But if we're going to argue about the government being involved, then you have to either decide if you want the money but have the government snaking their grubby little fingers into every aspect of scholastic affairs, including unreasonable standardized tests... Or if you want to go without the government funding but be aloud to run your school how you see fit. It's a trade off many people have to decide on.

I am not a scientist, nor will I ever become one. I want to own my own wildlife rescue facility. My current beau is a Marine- also not a scientist. I have severe hypochondriac disorder. If I can find anything that puts my mind at ease, i will do so. I try to post my findings in here so that I might help others be at ease as well. I will never pretend to know everything or even a little but about the goings on of NASA or any space related thing. Frankly space terrifies me and I learn only what I have to to get through college. I just found this article interesting because my anxiety flair was strange to me and this gave me a reason for it.

I will be perfectly blunt to you: your comments ruined my morning and all respect I may have had for you. You made me feel useless, unwanted, and simply put: stupid. I am now fighting off depression and anxiety that were not there when I woke up because what little comfort I had from this article is now GONE, thanks to you. I am not okay with that. If you didnt agree with it, there were plenty of better ways to express yourself rather than belittling someone you have never even met. And on the off chance that this was not your intention, might I suggest rereading whatever you write before you post it and ask yourself "would I be offended by this if it were directed towards myself?"
You might save people some bad mornings that way.

09-18-2014, 11:35 AM
I don't drink, smoke,do drugs, or even act mean to others. I simply was writing a response to what I saw. I had no intention to say anything rude. I was not acting as a,"Dry Drunk." It is PMS for me, and I am craving loads of mint and chocolate. Thatz all though.......I feel both your comments towards me are like a dynamic duo of thoughts and supported by LIKE MINDEDNESS. Its a free country, if you want nothing, and like it???

09-18-2014, 11:41 AM
OK, I totally agree.....

09-18-2014, 11:45 AM
You go girl, and vent all you want. I never said anything that I felt would lead to such feelings of self depreciation. Any of these feelings were on the inside and probly just screaming to vent on a keyboard. I'm fine with your feedback. I feel bad that it seems what I wrote was taken in a negative sort of way. I am very open minded and would never wish to be an anchor to any individuals out there. Do have a wonderful day, and think of positively happy and energizing thoughts.

09-18-2014, 01:04 PM
Olive I Bluers explained, just forgive him, he is (I think) a nice addition to the forum, gives the spice, next time we are going to kick him hard :)))

09-18-2014, 01:04 PM
Hahaha. Well as whacky as this sounds, my anxiety was quiet for two years and really kicked up this past week!

I'll consider it a coincidence. Still funny!

09-18-2014, 01:13 PM
bhamlaxy when you can find it funny , there is a good chance that you will kick the anxiety lady in the rear end again:))

09-18-2014, 01:43 PM
Olive!!!! No worries beef curries..... You are good to go! I agree with you and DONT EVER STOP Posting. We need people like you with an open heart and open mind. Others will miss the humor or even the reasoning but its ok. They will find it eventually!