View Full Version : Drivers training..I really need some responses guys

06-23-2008, 08:14 PM
Tomorrow is my first day of behind the wheel training, and I'm having a panic attack about it. What if it isn't really an instructor and it's some murderer who stole one of their cars? That thought keeps going through my mind and I can't stand it!!

I have to be in a car for two hours with this guy!! I'm a very good driver but I don't know how i'll be if i'm freaking out the whole time :cry:

Guys, please any advice will do.

06-24-2008, 09:25 AM
Maybe you could swap your instructer for a female one that might make you feel more comfortable?

when you get the horrid thoughts try to rationalize them, say ok this person could be trying to kill me but what are the chances of that? I dont think I've ever heard of it happening myself.... just keep challenging your thoughts.

Once your in the car im sure you will be ok, your mind will be consentrationg on what you are doing and the bad thoughts should disapear.

Good luck :)

06-24-2008, 05:52 PM
when you get the horrid thoughts try to rationalize them, say ok this person could be trying to kill me but what are the chances of that? I dont think I've ever heard of it happening myself.... just keep challenging your thoughts.

Good point. SO many people ask me why I am not worried about being attacked by a bear while hiking alone in the mountains (especially when I do so at night). But the fact is that you NEVER hear about bear attacks in the mountains here. And mountain lion attacks seem to only occur close to populated areas (where mountain lion behavior is probably negatively affected by human presence). In other words, some things happen ALOT less than they are made out to.

06-25-2008, 04:58 AM
Exactly, I find it hard to challenge my thoughts sometimes but if you keep at it you feel so much better for beating it :)

06-26-2008, 01:19 AM
what you can do that will help is imagine yourself doing the driving with your instructor and imagine yourself joking with him/her, just having an innocent chit chat, and then imagine yourself getting out of the car because your done with your 2 hour class. Its nice and calm all the way...have fun while your there.

06-27-2008, 10:08 PM
ok , well i did it guys, and it was actually fun :)

i have my permit now!! WOOHOO :D

07-01-2008, 06:01 AM
Well done!

you beat your fear! definitly something to be proud of.
