View Full Version : do these sound like panic attacks?

09-16-2014, 08:42 AM
Hi everyone. I'm Sarah and 16, going to be 17 in a few days. I have a question and it's been bothering me since I found out I might be developing an anxiety disorder, so I hope someone can help me out? This might be a little triggering.

Okay so this happened around 2 years ago? Waaaay before I knew anything about anxiety disorders. Let's just say I wasn't in a good place at the time because of problems with school which caused my parents to fight a lot and I always felt guilty because it was my fault. Long story short, the guilt led to self harm (I haven't harmed myself for about a year now though).

Anyway so yeah, on to the point. One time I was cutting in the bathroom. And then this really weird thing happened? I remember getting a sudden tiny feeling of nausea, which was followed by my ears ringing and my hearing sounding muffled. And I started feeling unsteady and the feelings got worse so I quickly cleaned myself up and put away the razors before going to lay on my couch. I just shut my eyes and tried to relax, which was kind of hard because everything felt like it was spinning and I'm pretty sure if I didn't lay down then I would've fainted. My heart was beating harder and faster than normal. Eventually everything began going back to normal and my ears had this loud buzzing before they stopped. After that I was fine. This weird episode really baffled me because I had no idea why it even happened. I thought maybe because I lost blood from cutting? But it was only like two drops? This is still confusing me to this day.

And guess what? It happened again. This episode was a while ago. Maybe some months ago? So I was on my period, and I woke up at 1am because I had these excruciatingly painful cramps. The worst I've ever had. I went to the bathroom and while on the toilet my ears started ringing, which gradually intensified. Once I got off the toilet I noticed that I was unsteady and feeling somewhat nauseous. My vision started getting strange. It was dark around the edges and I remember starting to freak out because all these feelings were just scaring me. I went to the kitchen and tried to get my bottle of water out of the fridge, which was really difficult because my hands were shaking and so were my legs. I had to hold onto the fridge door for balance. The last thing I remember was trying to take a sip, but then my legs just gave out and my bottom hit the floor before I blacked out. Maybe 2 seconds later I came back and realized what happened which really freaked me out. My legs felt really weak but I managed to get up and lay on my bed until everything stopped. Again, my heart was beating really fast and hard. I had thought maybe this was caused because of the cramps, but the pain wasn't even there when I fainted. They were completely gone.

It happened a third time and this wasn't that long ago. I think it was in July? We had gotten new bikes and were chaining them up on the back porch. It was hot and we were all sweating (me, dad, sister). I was waiting for them to get done and then I got that small nauseous feeling, along with ear ringing. I started feeling dizzy and my hearing got muffled. I told them to open the back door because I didn't think I could walk back around to the front yard. When I stood up, I was unsteady and had to lean against the house by the door while they opened it. My eyes were closed as I tried to calm down. Somehow I made it through the door, but then I lost consciousness and fell down. My dad had to help me up when I came back a couple seconds later and take me to the couch where I sat until everything stopped. I'm not sure about this episode because later in the month I had gotten sick and went to the hospital to find out I was dehydrated.

I haven't had an episode since. The second one was the most intense because I was internally freaking out and everything was spinning and blurry and it felt awful. I've been drinking way more water than I used to and my dehydration is gone now, by the way. Do these sound like panic attacks or just fainting spells because of my physical health?

09-16-2014, 08:53 AM
It sounds like you may just need a thorough blood test to me...to rule out any other possibilities with your physical health.
Could just be depleted of certain nutrients or vitamins essentially....
Both of my daughters experienced things of this nature when they were your age and it was because they were dehydrated and had lower blood pressure.
They're both fine now as far as the fainting spells, dizziness, but still deal with anxiety of course but they have medications for that.

E-Man :)

09-16-2014, 09:34 AM
I am with E-man, sounds alot like a blood pressure issue.

09-16-2014, 09:50 AM
I'm diabetic and this sounds like low blood sugar to me. So I agree with the other replies that you should get bloods/blood pressure etc checked :)

09-16-2014, 02:10 PM
Thank you all for your responses!