View Full Version : Dealing with stress and anxiety : a brief overview

09-16-2014, 06:44 AM
I will talk about stress briefly, and why it affects the body. Keeping in mind the body itself, and left alone has miraculous healing powers. Each cell is programmed for optimum health, not the opposite as some would suppose. Hereditary illnesses (in the form of ideas) are combated by the natural healing processes as best the body can do. So called hereditary illnesses are carried forth in the mind, as beliefs and emotions, by the constant use of the imagination, literally expecting those 'results' at a certain point in life, by implanting those ideas into your system of beliefs.

What the body cannot stand today is the stress thrown upon it by the imagined stress or problems that it might be asked to face tomorrow, or next week, or 20 years from now. Then, you are not allowing it to act in the present. You are seeking from future probabilities unpleasant – or perhaps the most unpleasant – circumstances, and actually demanding that the body handle the stimuli now.

Again, significances are important. If one unpleasant event today automatically causes you to think of 20 more that might happen in the future and you dwell upon those, then you hopelessly confuse your body. It finds in the present no justification in fact for such interpretations, while your thoughts act as if those situations were presently before you, to be confronted. Stress results when the body does not know how to react, and therefore cannot react smoothly.

This information in itself can stimulate healing, the mind could have an 'a..ha' moment, or at least begin to appreciate, empathize with, your incredible bodies.

09-16-2014, 07:02 AM
I like to practice an empty mind technique..
I just imagine a blank chalk board with nothing on it, and live for today.
Have a great day friend!
Great post btw... :)


09-16-2014, 09:48 AM
I see your point Im-suffering. Now i just have to program myself on how to stop doing that because o boy do i do that to myself all the time :(