View Full Version : I had Ct scan done, and now I am in worse state of anxiety about effects of ct scan

09-15-2014, 07:21 PM

I recently been having abdominal pain which the doctors put to ibs, had lots of tests done, and now I am crazily anxious about the radiation from the ct scan. Its so bad that I can't sleep, its worse than the anxiety I had before I had the tests done. I did not expect this! I can't get it out of my head, I really believe that the radiation will or has given me cancer.

I must say that before I crashed with this anxiety, which I never really had before in my life, I spent 1.5 yrs looking after my mum who was seriously ill with cancer.

I don't know what I am looking for to remove this loop in my head, at this stage all I can think of is some research finding that actually having this type of medical scan poses 0 risk! I am worried I am now going to feel this all day every day.

Loosing my mind.

09-15-2014, 07:54 PM
Seen it, done it, got the T-Shirt...

Health anxiety is very debilitating. I also got a CT Scan because I convinced myself I had brain cancer (which I did not...go figure). After my CT scan, I focused solely on the fact that I probably will get brain cancer later on in life because of the radiation of the CT Scan...

You would probably be anxious about something else if you haven't gotten the exam done. Anxiety is a very sneaky little monster...

Focus on activities and tools that will lower your general anxiety and the doom and gloom about the radiation will subside.

I promise !

09-16-2014, 06:31 AM
You've got to get back to the doctors office and explain this to them, seek help, ask for assistance as this unlikely fear is consuming your entire life and mind..
Wishing you better health!

E-Man :)

09-16-2014, 11:43 AM
Actually, we will be killed with our health anxiety before our time. This is why we should use the help available; doctors, psychiatrists the best, therapist, medication.
On the other hand, I had ct scan for my lungs, 8 months after I quit smoking. They found something on xrays. I was insane with the fear. It came that it is not cancer but chronic condition (awful asthma, and smoking) left some calcified spots on my lungs. I am ok though. I will never forget the fear, so I do understand it.