View Full Version : I get anxiety when doing anything.

09-15-2014, 06:24 PM
Im a 22 y/o male, and i have anxiety disorder, i get anxiety when i do just about anything and im tired of it, i get bad anxiety when exercising, when eating, when i get angry, even when i just go for a normal simple walk in the park, i have to admit though that i am afraid of having heart problems, i constantly fear that i will get a heart attack, i always assure myself and know that i dont have heart problems i dont have any history of heart problems in the family, but for some reason its a fear of mine, i also fear dehydrating, i dehydrated earlier this year while running and after that everytime i try to run or exercise or even walk i start getting bad anxiety and feel like im going to faint, also when i eat food for some reason i get bad anxiety, and i know its bc im afraid of getting a heart attack, idk if i am traumatized bc a person i know had a heart attack while eating. Idk what is going on but im afraid of feeling like this, i just want to know if im the only person that goes through this, or if something is wrong with my health, the doctor has told me several times that im okay, and all my lab tests come back good. Idk whats wrong with me. I always fear im gonna pass out or something worse.

09-15-2014, 06:30 PM

To feel ok you need to understand what your anxiety is and how it effects you. Your doctor says you're fine and that's that. Your worries come from no place other than yourself. You constantly worry and because of that your nervous system is constantly on edge. Thats why your general anxiety can affect you at any time even when you don't have those thoughts. I'm short on time being at work but read around and learn what your anxiety is. You'll understand how to overcome it.

09-15-2014, 08:21 PM
Take Xerosnake's advice...

Take action to understand your enemy (anxiety) and conquer it !

09-16-2014, 04:36 AM
I get anxiety at random times too. My panic attacks hit me days after stressing events have happened, usually when I am just sitting relaxing. I actually had a panic attack yesterday, built up over 3 hrs, pain then peaked and I was in agony for an hour before the tablets I had been prescribed began to work. :)

It can be difficult to find the trigger, but once you have found it you should be able to begin to overcome it, and beat it before it even starts.

It could be worth a visit to your GP to see what help they can offer you.

09-16-2014, 10:10 AM
I know how you feel; it awful feeling anxious over such normal things.
I'm nearly 18, and I get anxious over the tiniest things. My Mum thinks its ridiculous how I get so anxious over 'silly things.' I've convinced myself I've had probably everything within the last year, and I just wish I could be like everyone else :( I think I just need to calm and stop thinking about it. The more you think about things, you start to think its gonna or is happening. Just try to eliminate these thoughts and think of other things that are cheerful :)

09-17-2014, 01:19 AM
Hi Alexegh! You're not alone, I get anxiety when gyming (especially if its leg day) , when I play games or whatever the case may be normal daily activities! I constantly think that something's going to happen, like I'm going to faint or something! I know exactly what you're experiencing. I keep on thinking something is wrong and I convince myself there is absolutely nothing wrong as I also went for some tests and nothing serious!