View Full Version : Jolting awake??

09-14-2014, 10:33 PM
Anyone have this anxiety "symptom"?? It's such a troubling feeling ugh I'll be fast asleep then jolt awake because I feel like I am going to stop breathing OR I feel like I did stop breathing for a second then my heart is racing and I just have this weird sensation all about me and feel beet anxious! Anyone else deal with this??

09-14-2014, 10:38 PM
Or maybe it's more of a feeling that my heart has stopped for a second or is going to stop. Idk it's such an odd feeling, it's hard to describe.

09-14-2014, 10:59 PM
If you're fast asleep how are you managing to have these thoughts of not breathing or your heart stopping? And then the next question is why do you think such a thing? You are describing an anxiety symptom and reinforcing it with anxiety inducing thoughts. Your heart will not stop beating, not for a split random moment and neither will you cease to breathe.

09-15-2014, 01:39 AM
You are having nocturnal panic attacks. I suffer from these sometimes as well. They are severely frustrating, especially because stress has already tired our body down so much. Maybe look into it a little? I've tried meditation before sleep, reading books, and just making sure I have a relative sense of calm about me before sleep every night. Hope you find relief soon.

09-15-2014, 12:03 PM
Yup, sounds like nocturnal panic attacks... Not fun at all.

You really need to these things before going to bed :

1- Shut your computer, iPad, iPhone or any big screens 2 hours before your planned bedtime
2- Take a warm bath an hour before bedtime
3-Try breathing exercises or meditation 15 minutes before bedtime

Worked for me (give it a couple of days to kick in)

Almost forgot..... No professionnal emails after 6 pm (that's a biggie)

09-15-2014, 12:26 PM
Bath before bed is not such good idea, the circulation goes up and bye bye sleep for another 4 or 5 hours, the rest of points are pretty good :)

09-15-2014, 08:12 PM
Bath before bed is not such good idea, the circulation goes up and bye bye sleep for another 4 or 5 hours, the rest of points are pretty good :)

Actually, taking a hot bath before bed helps the body drop temperature after getting out of the bath may help you feel sleepy, and the bath can help you relax and slow down so you're more ready to sleep.

Don't take my word for it, found it on nlm(dot)nih(dot)gov (sorry but I can't seem to be able to post hyperlinks)

This is not a response to get the last word, but looking to help this community. ;)