View Full Version : feel horrible today

09-14-2014, 04:23 PM
last month my girlfriend bought tickets for a nascar race for us.i love nascar. last week my anxiety started to flare up again and i made up an excuse saying i had to work and couldnt get it off

which is a lie. she ended up going with her brother but didnt stay for the whole thing because he didnt want to

now i feel bad because the guy she was rooting for won and she wanted to mess with me

i fee bad i lied to her but i didnt want to tell her my anxiety was the reason though today i feel like i could have went..

i just feel horrible

09-14-2014, 05:03 PM
Avoidance is the reason anxiety flares up. Take a look at your post and see just how much of it you did. Including not telling the truth in regards to your anxiety. Come clean and perhaps you'll have some resolve. Take care.

09-15-2014, 03:17 AM
I have the same problem Jasn88! I haven't been out in such a long time, I love cars and I also love racing! If I know I have to go out somewhere I immediately feel the anxiety rising. I want to go out and all but its like controlling my anxiety seems impossible. However, I go out anyways sometimes and try and get over it. I think the main reason anxiety sufferers wont go out is because we are scared to have an attack / panic in public, I for one sometimes feel embarrassed and try to hide it as soon as I feel it coming and its worse when I'm out in public.

09-15-2014, 03:58 AM
I hear what your all saying I'm the same
I'm like it when I go in holidays to it's a nightmare
But I still go as if I don't it's fully taken over and I will try so hard for it not to do that
My Anxiety over the years has messed up so many lovely things that I could have done or enjoyed and I'm sick of it
Keep pushing forward as you will get good days where you can go out and enjoy yourself I know I have been even tho sometimes they kick up :)

09-15-2014, 07:58 AM
Keep pushing forward.. :)

Excellent advice!
Force yourself out...go enjoy something and anxiety will leave you be.

E-Man :)