View Full Version : The positive symptom idea

09-14-2014, 03:29 PM
Anxiety and its recurring symptoms. The random pains, heart palpatations, headaches! What have you, the symptoms range from top to bottom of the body and come in all shapes and sizes. Many see these symptoms as terrifying or cause of worry! How could you not after all? So you feel anxious on a concious level and the symptoms are rolling. What are the thoughts going through your mind? I bet they aren't "I'm having a great time worrying about why I have this symptom". I mean, you already know why you have that symptom, don't you? We are talking about anxiety here. If you want a more specific answer and well in depth, I recommend you visit this page: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms

The entire website has excellent info and that page specifically about symptoms is an excellent read. Allowing for further understanding of just why you feel the things you do.

So we understand on a deeper level why we have those symptoms. Now let's have a little fun with it. Anxiety and the state of fear on a subconcious level comes from ideas met on a concious standpoint. If we consciously worry about our symptoms they will remain and possibly get worse. So how do we turn that process around? The positive symptom idea.

You laugh. You admire. You enjoy. A taste, a smell. Things that we enjoy and appreciate. You don't second guess them, you just feel them. If they were a symptom would you complain? Probably not. So make them one. Believe that the laughter and joy you have are a symptom. Now laugh harder and be happier. That delicious home cooked meal that you're tasting? Oh those delicious tastes are an anxiety symptom. You do this in all positive aspects, you enjoy the cool wind breeze on your skin and the reason is your anxiety.

No longer will your anxiety push you down, it's the ladder and rise from the state of fear that it has pushed you down to. You are now using your anxiety as the drive to move on from anxiety. And as you further push yourself away from the fear so will your anxiety cease to exist.

But then what, will the joy and appreciation go away? No, because now your brain uses the things you learned as your new norm. And the things that created your anxiety are no longer there. All part of becoming the proper you. Give this a try and share your results people. Until next time!

09-15-2014, 12:47 PM
Thanks for the resource.

Love it !

09-15-2014, 04:54 PM
Very welcome. Great website for all information.