View Full Version : Little Maurice vs little Judy

09-14-2014, 07:35 AM
It was Christmas Eve and Maurice was certainly excited, he was 8 now, but his dad said he showed just as much enthusiasm for Santa now as he did a few years ago. Maurice has a knack for life, he loves it, he's such a happy little boy, creative, spontaneous, loving, just like his parents. They taught him joy, "Maurice, they'd say, live every day joyfully, that's our biggest lesson for you". Maurice always dreams of his life, his future, he has plans, you see. Maurice wants a family one day, that mimics his own. His dad always showed him by his actions how to have a loving relationship, he was kind, understanding, uplifting, supportive...and Maurice's mom, wow, she sure did love him, and she showed it. Maurice always expected good things, as a matter of fact he had his eye on this red bike for some time, and he had confidence that Santa would bring it to him. Maurice knew all about this bike, the horn, the speeds, the design, and he thought about what he would do with it. Every day Maurice would picture himself riding, breaking the wind, oh where he would go and the people he would meet. Maurice used google too, to research his bike, and even sometimes to look at blueprints of things, because he wanted to be an architect like his dad, so he looked at star maps and dreamt of a future full of promise, fulfillment, happiness, security, and joy. Maurice felt good inside, he was healthy, and often pictured himself jumping playing, wrestling. If he should catch cold, he would recoup quickly and naturally, because he trusted his body, he didn't have to worry about it so much, he believed that it supported him. And so his dreams and visions of the future included good health, Maurice expected this. The excitement of Christmas morning was upon Maurice and he did receive that beautiful new bike. The family celebrated together and loved each other.

It was Christmas Eve and Judy was certainly depressed, she was 8 now, but her dad told her not to expect good things, or to be excited, even that Santa wasn't real. Judy felt bad about herself, even at Christmas. Judy has a knack for avoiding life, she dislikes it, shes such an unhappy little girl, unfulfilled, unloved, alone, just like her parents. They taught her to expect the worst, "Judy they'd say, live every day on guard, that's our biggest lesson for you". Judy always dreams of her life, her future, she had no real plans, you see, who would love her? Judy doesn't want a family one day, too much pain and cruelty. Her dad always showed her by his actions how to ruin a relationship, he was cruel, abusive, abrasive, curt, to Judy's mom, wow, she sure did hate him, and she showed it. Judy always expected terrible things, as a matter of fact she had her eye on this pink bike for some time, but she had no confidence that Santa would bring it to her, or that Santa even existed. Judy knew all about this bike, the horn, the speeds, the design, and she thought about what she would do with it. Every day Judy would picture herself riding, breaking the wind, but fearful of people, and even her health, she quickly dismissed her dreams for they were not possible. Judy used google too, to research her bike, and even sometimes to look at health issues she was having, but mostly she would become frightened and lonely and picture a dire future, she googled diseases and cried, Judy dreamt of a future full of disaster, ill health, unfulfilled with broken dreams. Judy felt jittery inside, she was often panicky and anxious, and often pictured herself alone, with no friends, no future, for no man would ever want her, and love was painful. If she should catch cold, she would recoup slowly and it always got worse because she miss -trusted her body, she worried about it so much, she believed that it worked against her, she was frail, powerless and weak. And so her dreams and visions of the future included Ill health, Judy expected this. The depression and fear of Christmas morning was upon Judy and she did not receive that beautiful new bike. The family ignored each other and spent the day apart.

Can you relate to either child?

Can you tell which child grew up to be an anxious, depressed adult? Judy was born into a world of promise, and was stripped of that inherent innocence, robbed of love and a fulfilling outlook for her life. Judy did not deserve this, can you feel for her? Both children began on equal footing, loving, open, curious, hopeful. But only one child ever had a chance. They were both taught their beliefs, as adults they would forget those teachings and just react to life assuming their beliefs were facts. Judy got the raw deal.

And that's why one day Judy will have to face the child again, and recognize her beliefs, and change them, because she doesn't deserve to live in sorrow and pain, we are all cheering for her now.

Briefly about the stress itself, what the body cannot stand today is the stress thrown upon it by the imagined stress or problems that it might be asked to face tomorrow, or next week, or 20 years from now. Then, you are not allowing it to act in the present. You are seeking from future probabilities unpleasant – or perhaps the most unpleasant – circumstances, and actually demanding that the body handle the stimuli now.

Again, significances are important. If one unpleasant event today automatically causes you to think of 20 more that might happen in the future and you dwell upon those, then you hopelessly confuse your body. It finds in the present no justification in fact for such interpretations, while your thoughts act as if those situations were presently before you, to be confronted. Stress results when the body does not know how to react, and therefore cannot react smoothly.

09-14-2014, 09:42 AM
*slow clap*

If I'm not convinced you're already an author or have done something huge for anxiety. You should be.

09-14-2014, 10:17 AM
Very nice work.
I was a happy kid, although my parents weren't there in spirit.
Always had anxiety though, both general and performance.
I also got a drum set one year for Christmas, my parents didn't have to wait long before I destroyed them.
Generally an outgoing person though as the panic attacks didn't arrive until later in life, my wedding day. LOL!!
Anxiety is now under my own control with medications, and a "It is what it is" attitude...
Have a great day!

E-Man :)

09-14-2014, 03:27 PM
Again, write a book!

Something I will read many times, as with all your posts.

Last bit resonates with me a lot. Need to drill that in my brain. Like today I went to hospital to see my Grandma, when I was going there i kept thinking, as I've always had a panic attack in one before, I will today. I did panic, maybe even have a panic attack, today, I even told the nurse I was having a heart attack! But would I if I did not have a mindset like that on the way there? No.

Using your trademark typography there, you see ;)

09-15-2014, 09:46 AM
Again, write a book!

Something I will read many times, as with all your posts.

Last bit resonates with me a lot. Need to drill that in my brain. Like today I went to hospital to see my Grandma, when I was going there i kept thinking, as I've always had a panic attack in one before, I will today. I did panic, maybe even have a panic attack, today, I even told the nurse I was having a heart attack! But would I if I did not have a mindset like that on the way there? No.

Using your trademark typography there, you see ;)

Sorry to hear about your Grandma, get well soon wishes.

09-15-2014, 12:20 PM
Nice one Thanks !

09-17-2014, 05:38 AM
Not many are aware of the secret power obtained in making a firm decision. The magic key to treatment of an illness, imaginary or real, is a decision. The word itself if committed to melts away doubt, fear, and worry.

Say to yourself now, as you sit and read, "I now make the firm decision to rid myself of anxiety, depression, and whatever illness I suffer from. I shall burn all bridges and stake my very life on its attainment. I now put full power and commitment behind my decision"

Now, most of you immediately felt a sense of fear if you said that, and even more of you will dismiss it. Why did you feel fear? The answer to that question is important, every one of you seek to find it.

What are the components of a decision? Can you remember the last time you made one?

What did it feel like to have the resolve and power within you as you made and acted on a decision?

I will now shock all of you with an astounding statement that will be so outlandish as to draw immediate dismissals and apprehension. But before I make such a claim you must prepare for the intense battle within as it conflicts with the power of your beliefs. It may be so foreign to you that you will not even recognize its life giving magical powers and move to another thread to talk about your symptoms. Here it is :

The stepping stone to personal transformation and healing starts with a decision.