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09-12-2014, 10:29 PM
Sooooo periods for us girls means that anxiety shows up too...

I cramp so bad in my lower back & it just makes me anxious.

I talked to my doc about birth control to help with the cramping but when I asked if it could affect my anxiety, he said there was a chance. I said no. No way would I chance it.

So my question ladies, how do you deal with it monthly??

09-13-2014, 12:15 AM
Oh, how i hate periods. Just like how our anxiety in the mind can cause physical symptoms, these physical symptoms can also cause anxiety for me even though i don't even know what i'm anxious and panicking about. I sometimes take the pink panadol, but it doesn't always work. I love heat packs and i usually drink warm green tea. I always strive to keep my body warm. I find that massages loosen up my body's tension and it feels pretty damn good.

But most of the time, i just huddle up in bed, eat food and watch shows on my laptop and cry. :/

09-13-2014, 01:33 AM
I have been taking birth control pills for seven years now, and I have no PMS or menstrual symptoms whatsoever. I only get a few symptoms if I skip my period and go two months without having it. My stomach really hurts then, but other than that I do not feel the difference. Perhaps my body would go crazy if I stop using them ;) My birth control pills have no side effects on me either; I use a brand with a lower level of hormones in it, and it works perfect for me. Sure there is an increased risk of getting thrombus or breast cancer when taking birth control pills, but the chances of having endometrial or ovarian cancer when taking the pill is equally lower. And unless you have a family history of breast cancer or thrombus, the pills pose no real risk for young women as the chances of having these conditions under the age of 40 is very low anyway.

I would personally suggest you try birth control pills. That way you can control your period, and after a while you get less and less symptoms. However, if you do get even worse, physically or mentally, you should quit them. But it is absolutely not dangerous to try.

09-15-2014, 02:59 AM
I've been on the contraceptive pill since I was 16 and I'm now 39, my anxiety did not start untill I was 17 so I don't think the pill will make your anxiety worse,I've never heard if this I have to say.
I've been on quite a few over the years as I suffer with migraines and that's the only reason I changed .
You will have less cramping maybe no bleeding at all and I find my moods are so much better when I'm in the pill.
I hope this helps,maybe talk to a gynaecologist or someone that specialises just on women etc as I think you should at least get a Second opinion on this as like I said I've never heard of this causing anxiety

09-15-2014, 03:20 AM
Hi Brooke, my advise may sound simple but really works for me. I usually make a hot water bottle and place it slightly on my stomache or back when I get cramps! Or get heated pads to stick on your back and lay down relax for a few minutes! :)