View Full Version : Fever with Clonazepam?

Zac Dibble
09-12-2014, 09:51 PM
I currently take Clonazepam (0.5 mg, which isn't much) whenever my anxiety attacks get too bad. I usually try my best to keep myself from taking it so I can try and get passed it, and not have to rely on medication. But, It's been about two weeks since I took it last and since then the weather has most definitely changed. Every year when the weather does change, my body hits a state of tiredness, soreness, and sometimes on and off nausea which makes me feel as if I'm mildly sick, but not. Tonight I took it and I developed a slight fever and wondered if the medication is what caused it.
My family also has a history of auto-immune issues which has left me with a high level immune system, which made me wonder if the medication may be considered an invading entity.
But, I'm not even close to a doctor and I am making broad guesses. I'm a hypochondriac which is why I try avoid knowing as much as possible, as to not exacerbate my anxiety.
I was hoping someone may have had some experience with this, or has an idea on what may be causing it so I can put it to rest in my mind.
I really appreciate any and all help you can give me!
Thanks for reading.

09-13-2014, 07:13 AM
I highly doubt that the klonopin has anything at all to do with a fever.
I have auto immune system diseases, as well as my sister too.
I've spent the last 27 months in a doctors office trying to figure out the dynamics of these diseases.
No two doctors are saying the same thing, which is very frustrating and troubling.
All they agree on is that I have chronic pain and I take many different medications daily..
Best wishes friend!

E-Man.. :)

09-13-2014, 07:20 AM
No it does not I am on Clonazepam for a year probably, my hubby was on it for 5 years. It does cause the calm not the fever:))
Zac welcome to the forum :)

Zac Dibble
01-23-2015, 07:51 AM
I highly doubt that the klonopin has anything at all to do with a fever.
I have auto immune system diseases, as well as my sister too.
I've spent the last 27 months in a doctors office trying to figure out the dynamics of these diseases.
No two doctors are saying the same thing, which is very frustrating and troubling.
All they agree on is that I have chronic pain and I take many different medications daily..
Best wishes friend!

E-Man.. :)

Sorry for the delayed response. I completely forgot to respond after reading this. Thank you for the response!

No it does not I am on Clonazepam for a year probably, my hubby was on it for 5 years. It does cause the calm not the fever:))
Zac welcome to the forum :)

Thanks for the information. Now I know I can rule out any future fevers as a result of Clonazepam.
Thanks for the welcoming! I get the feeling I will be spending a lot more time here. I don't know if my anxiety is a result of my epilepsy or something else, but I need to find some way to make it more bearable; find and talk with people with similar issues so I have some sense of what's going on. Since I have a major issue with emetophobia, I think I may schedule an appointment with my neurologist (she suggested it was a result of minor seizures she refers to as an 'aura') and see if she could prescribe me some sort of anti-nausea medication for under dire situations.
Most people I have realized don't quite understand how bad anxiety disorder is, especially when it comes to phobias.