View Full Version : We are the Bravest people

09-12-2014, 12:01 PM
I honestly feel that people like us, who experiences fear every waking moment in our lives and manages to continue living despite it, are the bravest people in the world. If someone told me this last year, i would have laughed so hard at it. I would be like "I'm brave?! Me? Someone who is scared of every SINGLE thing? Are you trying to make a joke, right now?"

Think about it! I swear we have strongest inner strength once we overcome our anxiety & panic disorder! A shoutout to the people who couldn't sleep due to the fear of going out of the house and still manages to do it anyways - YOU ARE FUCKING BRAVE. To the people who fears ordering food and manages to do it - YOU ARE FUCKING BRAVE. To the people who had to run the toilet and trying to prevent another episode - YOU ARE FUCKING BRAVE. To the people who is in bed and can't seem to find the strength to get out of the room and perform basic tasks.. you are probably beating yourself up over it.. I want all of you to know that the fact that you're still here means that YOU ARE FUCKING BRAVE.

I honestly don't feel like i'm completely cured, its still here, i feel it. I don't believe that its something i can erase from my life as i've had it since i was a child, i just learnt how to cope with it effectively. I feel like i'm so much braver than the average person now. I can easily overcome things that the average person is fearful of, its like im desensitized to the fear stimuli. I still get the build up to an attack out of nowhere sometimes, but i quell it down just as fast. Alright, i'm going to brag here; I'm totally owning this Panic & Anxiety Disorder bitches! Like, hah! You ain't got nothing on me!

Peace out! (Heh, i'm trying to be cute here)

09-12-2014, 12:18 PM
You know, my therapist says the exact same thing. I have always painted a picture of myself as a terribly weak person, dependent on everybody else, and incapable of overcoming any obstacles or tackle any challenges in life. "On the contrary", he says to me, and tells me that few people (other than the likes of me) have gone through so much pain and sorrow as I have. I have GAD, am a perfectionist, have desperate need of control, and I have been prepared for a catastrophe to happen all my life. I have been challenging myself with my self-harm, eating disorders, brain washing and health anxiety, and I have dealt with them and moved on. Every time I overcome something, I find something new (working on changing that of course).

Because we are always in the "fight or flight" mode, we are also prepared for something dangerous to happen. I generally do not believe that I can live a happy life without any worries, and think my problems are just waiting around the corner. Some of my friends, for instance, live inside their own pink bubble where everything is just golden all the time. And when they face a tiny obstacle, make mistakes or have to take responsibilities for their actions, they cannot seem to handle it quite well. Reality is kind of slapping them in their faces, and they do not expect that.

I always expect life to slap me in the face ;P

We are brave! We are struggling with our own brains and thoughts every day - struggling than most people - and we survive it! And we can also beat it! We should take lessons from our anxiety - it shows us that we have a complex mind :)

09-12-2014, 10:24 PM
Love this!! It's absolutely true.

09-13-2014, 12:06 AM
You know, my therapist says the exact same thing. I have always painted a picture of myself as a terribly weak person, dependent on everybody else, and incapable of overcoming any obstacles or tackle any challenges in life. "On the contrary", he says to me, and tells me that few people (other than the likes of me) have gone through so much pain and sorrow as I have. I have GAD, am a perfectionist, have desperate need of control, and I have been prepared for a catastrophe to happen all my life. I have been challenging myself with my self-harm, eating disorders, brain washing and health anxiety, and I have dealt with them and moved on. Every time I overcome something, I find something new (working on changing that of course).

Because we are always in the "fight or flight" mode, we are also prepared for something dangerous to happen. I generally do not believe that I can live a happy life without any worries, and think my problems are just waiting around the corner. Some of my friends, for instance, live inside their own pink bubble where everything is just golden all the time. And when they face a tiny obstacle, make mistakes or have to take responsibilities for their actions, they cannot seem to handle it quite well. Reality is kind of slapping them in their faces, and they do not expect that.

I always expect life to slap me in the face ;P

We are brave! We are struggling with our own brains and thoughts every day - struggling than most people - and we survive it! And we can also beat it! We should take lessons from our anxiety - it shows us that we have a complex mind :)

Hey Lilac, i agree about those people in their own pink bubbles! In a way, i feel like this disorder caused me to appreciate every minor thing so much more. Right now, i feel like i am the most free i have ever been from my disorder and the happiest i have ever been. I feel like whenever i'm not attacked by anxiety and panic, i am a bundle of sunshine and joy and happiness, haha. Its like breathing in fresh air after being stuck in a small tunnel with minimal oxygen for so long.

However, i also agree with you on not being able to live a happy life without any worries. I am anxious and worried about when the other shoe is going to drop. Nothing can be so rosy for so long, well, not for me anyways.

So i'm taking this part in my life as a vacation from my disorder and i'm going to make the most out of it before my vacation ends.

09-13-2014, 07:25 AM
We are everything but weak:))

09-13-2014, 07:30 AM
I wanted them to cut my leg open!!!
Have a good day all... :)


12-15-2014, 03:58 PM
Thank you so much! This makes me feel a little less hard on myself!!! I am on sick leave, but i. work!! So hbard:-D! I
And after 20 years of depression, Gad and anxiety I am still here!!!! Now I can go to sleep a alittle happier :-)

All my love to you all!!!! <3

12-15-2014, 05:31 PM
I honestly feel that people like us, who experiences fear every waking moment in our lives and manages to continue living despite it, are the bravest people in the world. If someone told me this last year, i would have laughed so hard at it. I would be like "I'm brave?! Me? Someone who is scared of every SINGLE thing? Are you trying to make a joke, right now?"

Think about it! I swear we have strongest inner strength once we overcome our anxiety & panic disorder! A shoutout to the people who couldn't sleep due to the fear of going out of the house and still manages to do it anyways - YOU ARE FUCKING BRAVE. To the people who fears ordering food and manages to do it - YOU ARE FUCKING BRAVE. To the people who had to run the toilet and trying to prevent another episode - YOU ARE FUCKING BRAVE. To the people who is in bed and can't seem to find the strength to get out of the room and perform basic tasks.. you are probably beating yourself up over it.. I want all of you to know that the fact that you're still here means that YOU ARE FUCKING BRAVE.

I honestly don't feel like i'm completely cured, its still here, i feel it. I don't believe that its something i can erase from my life as i've had it since i was a child, i just learnt how to cope with it effectively. I feel like i'm so much braver than the average person now. I can easily overcome things that the average person is fearful of, its like im desensitized to the fear stimuli. I still get the build up to an attack out of nowhere sometimes, but i quell it down just as fast. Alright, i'm going to brag here; I'm totally owning this Panic & Anxiety Disorder bitches! Like, hah! You ain't got nothing on me!

Peace out! (Heh, i'm trying to be cute here)

Anxiety is a bluff, anxiety is a crock of shit. You were never at risk, you did not almost die, you did not have a religious experience, you did not come close to death, you simply experienced a fight or flight response. You have a nervous system set to high alert which gets triggered easily for some reason, and it can be healed. You experience a primitive biological function meant for survival. There is no bravery. It's a joke!

Anxiety has no meaning, no point, it is not significant in any way. You were never in danger so you never needed a safe person or a safe place. It was a all a big bluff that never delivered!

12-15-2014, 10:09 PM
I love this! What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. It is a cliché but it is true. Anxiety is so pointless. I think the key really is to just get so pissed off about the pointlessnes of it all that you just refuse to be scared a moment longer. You just tell that anxiety to do it's worst. Then your fears no longer have power over you. I'm still working on it, not pissed enough yet lol.