View Full Version : First Panic Attack

09-11-2014, 10:57 PM
Does anyone remember their first panic attack and what might have caused it?
Mine was back in 2008 I was in the car with my dad going to my uncles house, when I started to get an upset stomach and all I could think about was that I wanted to go back home. I told my dad I was feeling well and that I wanted to go home so he took me home and I stayed on my couch for a week before I felt any better. I even went to the doctors and they couldn't find anything wrong. They told me I must of just had the flew. Nothing has been the same since that day. To this day I still don't know what causes my first attack. Ever since then I've just been trying to live one day at time and keep my head up.

I would love to hear anyone else's stories about their first panic attack if you care to share.

09-12-2014, 12:19 PM
I can tell you mine. It was 2004. I had been working in an assistant management job under a boss that was kind of a screw up. (Good guy, he was just a train wreck). I was driving to work one morning and feeling pretty stressed. It was raining and the school traffic was slow and brutal. After stopping behind a yellow mustang for the 12th time, my chest started to hurt right in the center.
After I made it to work, I began doing the morning paperwork which consisted of balancing money and creating deposits. I was by myself management-wise, and my boss had screwed up the accounting the night before. It looked like money was missing. So, the more I looked for it, the more my chest began to hurt. Next thing I know, it’s hurting in my back followed by my arm going numb. My vision became blurry and my hearing muffled. I thought I was a goner.
One of the employees called 911. The paramedics showed up, took my vitals and told me I seemed fine. Regardless, I went to the hospital and had all sorts of tests and an overnight stay. I was sent home with no explanation. It would be 10 years and a dozen more major attacks before I learned what was wrong with me.
The thing I can tell you is, what happened to me that day was not where it started. It had been bulging beneath the surface for who knows how long. That day, it reached a tipping point amd my world came down.
I know that I either inherited or learned impatience from my dad. All of my life I had been nervous and high strung. But, while some people wear their nerves on their sleeve, I, like my dad, kept mine latched and locked. Not good. I’m still dealing with it even after all these years.
I wish you lots of luck.

09-12-2014, 12:41 PM
Sitting upstairs at my family friends pocono house when I was in middle school.

Me and my friend were just chilling, looking down stairs over the railing, and we sat down.

I felt that uneasy build up, then BAM couldn't breathe.

Not fun obviously, definitely won't forget that one!

09-12-2014, 04:53 PM
Thanks for sharing.

09-13-2014, 08:33 AM
Mine was Jan 14th this year; after my nans funeral and seeing my mother for the first time in nearly two years. I was also pregnant so I guess the combined stresses of everything just sent my body in a fluster.

I felt 'off' all day, slightly out of it and had no appetite; all I wanted to do was go home and sleep thinking it was down to being tired. Then later in the day I got hot and sweaty, dizzy and nauseous. I threw up, then my chest began to ache terribly. It felt as though I couldn't breathe. I didn't know it was a panic attack and suffered upstairs in silence for hours before I crawled downstairs and asked for help; the paramedics were called in but they put it down to indegestion or something. I wasn't told it could be a panic attack until months later and I went down the A&E twice.

I still get them every few weeks, they have got worse over time. I'm due to start counselling later this month so we will see if managing my stress better helps calm them down.

09-13-2014, 02:10 PM
My parents never informed me of what Lexapro did, I knew I wasn't supposed to drink while on it, but I didn't know it built up in your system, so I skipped it the day me and my friends had a party one day when I was 18, 3 or so years ago. I ended up having 14 or so shots of vodka and 6 beers, the Lexapro pretty much multiplied this effect three times over.

My friend offered me a joint, and being drunk as shit I accepted without thinking. This sent my heart bonkers and my friends father rushed me to the hospital panicking, I eventually threw up everything and was released, they luckily didn't get the law enforcement involved: the anxiety disorder that surfaced from this event was more than suitable punishment.

2 days after the hospital I roll a joint and smoke while I help my mother pull weeds in the garden, I couldn't stop checking my pulse. I kept checking and checking and worrying how I didn't feel right and BAM, first panic attack. I had no clue what was happening, my mother tried to calm me down and explain that the hospital couldn't do anything to help me, but in my mind I thought I was dying and my mother was ignoring me or trying to let me die, I wound up hitting her out of complete fear and confusion, my family tackled and subdued me and forced a Xanax into my mouth... What a god send that drug is.

I absolutely went nuts, had I filmed it I would have looked like some one screaming and hallucinating on angel dust.

09-14-2014, 05:43 PM
The first panic attack I remember having was when I was 11 years old ... I remember it pretty distinctly. I was just sitting in Spanish class and my heart started racing out of nowhere and I was suddenly terrified that I was going to die. I remember just sitting there and staring at the clock. It just came out of nowhere.

09-15-2014, 02:54 PM
My first panic attack happened in college. I was involved in an activity that involved cardboard boat races on the campus pond. Something in me panicked/flipped out and I started hyperventilating so I had to be dragged out of the water. After returning to my dorm I had a full blown panic attack, 911 was called and I was taken to the ER.

For awhile I tried to ignore the anxiety but the attacks kept happening. I eventually sought help in the form of therapy and meds. After college I lost insurance so I haven't had the financial means to have therapy or meds for several years.

Things started getting worse last fall so I started individual therapy again earlier this year and after a recommendation from my therapist started taking antidepressants again a month ago. I'm currently experiencing side effects from my ad (Lexapro) so I'm probably going to switch to Cymbalta.

I don't get panic attacks as much as used to but when I do get them they are often triggered by social situations. Even with therapy and medication I've been told that I may always experience some level of anxiety.