View Full Version : What is your number one physical symptom?
09-11-2014, 09:03 AM
What is your number one physical symptom of anxiety/Panic? The one that concerns you the most?
09-11-2014, 01:47 PM
Not empowering your physical symptoms. Quit viewing them as scary, you're only letting them linger.
I prefer to not see them as scary now, they used to do that.
But the one which is most recurring is de-realisation at the moment
09-11-2014, 03:00 PM
Yeah, I’m not empowering symptoms. However, I do think that when people see that others are suffering from the same weird symptoms you are, it lessens their effect on your life. That’s what makes them less scary – seeing that you aren’t the only one with the problem.
Derealization is a great example, Joe. Mine would have to be strong chest pains.
09-11-2014, 03:30 PM
Very interesting Question - I think it's good to know how our body reacts to anxiety.
I would say, mine is reflux with eczema not far behind that.
09-11-2014, 04:03 PM
So how about this.
Name your silliest symptom and how it effects you.
Turn that idea into a positive reinforcing one. Don't give your fear power.
09-11-2014, 04:34 PM
Eczema, that's a great answer, Ponder. I was really surprised when I learned that anxiety could cause that. I get the reflux, myself which I think leads to some of the chest pains.
09-11-2014, 07:54 PM
I'll get weird chest discomfort, tingling in my fingers, and occasional pains. Very, very annoying when you think your slowly making progress and one of those hit you out of nowhere.
09-11-2014, 08:46 PM
Yes! That's a very good point, MJBoyle88. It's frustrating as hell when you think you are getting somewhere and some symptom comes back. I have days where it's like a veil has been lifted and I go alone just fine for a while. Then, out of the blue....
I've actually had people, who clearly have no idea what they are talking about, say things like, "You know that's just an anxiety symptom. You just need to calm down and control it. It's just your thoughts." That's a positively silly thing to say. I'm sure they mean well, but that's not how it works. The physical symptoms can come knocking whether you are thinking about them or not...whether you think you are stressed or not. It's your nervous system going haywire. That's why it sucks when it strikes again after days or weeks of progress.
09-11-2014, 09:45 PM
Yes! That's a very good point, MJBoyle88. It's frustrating as hell when you think you are getting somewhere and some symptom comes back. I have days where it's like a veil has been lifted and I go alone just fine for a while. Then, out of the blue....
I've actually had people, who clearly have no idea what they are talking about, say things like, "You know that's just an anxiety symptom. You just need to calm down and control it. It's just your thoughts." That's a positively silly thing to say. I'm sure they mean well, but that's not how it works. The physical symptoms can come knocking whether you are thinking about them or not...whether you think you are stressed or not. It's your nervous system going haywire. That's why it sucks when it strikes again after days or weeks of progress.
When your system is haywire for so long it takes a while for it to calm down. No matter how good the progress it takes time. Symptoms absolutely can persist. However when in control it's easier to move past them.
09-11-2014, 09:54 PM
Very good point, Xerosnake90. I am finding that to be true. It took me a while to understand that the problem was building under the surface for years, in my case, and could take a long time to correct.
09-12-2014, 12:04 AM
Mine is severe muscle twitching (fasciculations) pretty much everywhere in my body, as well as the feeling of heavy or jelly legs. It feels like my legs are going to fail. Then you have the derealization, which is probably the worst. Luckily, I do not fear it as much anymore - I know what I have to do in order to make them go away; do not believe in them, do not nurture them. If my legs feel jelly-like, I just sit down until it passes, not thinking "oh no, what can it be, this is so uncomfortable". I just say "very well anxiety, have your go then". I does not always work, but it definitely helps thinking that way as you maintain a certain distance to your anxiety as well as the physical symptoms.
09-13-2014, 07:42 AM
I think mine would be living in chronic pain as some of the doctors believe that my adrenal system failed, caused auto immune system diseases, and was all caused in part by chronic stress...
Thank God for good medications, in my particular case....
Hoping that we all find peace somehow!
09-13-2014, 01:59 PM
Chest pain, rapid heart beat, adrenaline not flowing correctly (feels like poison going through arms rather then power), I tend to subconsciously clench all the muscles in my body, especially the jaw, feet, and shins. It all leads up to shaking, if I'm having a little panic my hand will tremble, but a full blown panic attack I've had my whole body convulse, it looked like an epileptic seizure.
09-13-2014, 07:11 PM
Mine is a odd sensation in back of my neck. Kinda heated feeling like a flood of stress hormones. I think it is adrenaline and cortisol. When I got that sensation when I was 19 it was right before a panic/anxiety attack. Now it is there almost everyday with anxiety.
Anybody else have that?
09-14-2014, 06:08 AM
Mine is a odd sensation in back of my neck. Kinda heated feeling like a flood of stress hormones. I think it is adrenaline and cortisol. When I got that sensation when I was 19 it was right before a panic/anxiety attack. Now it is there almost everyday with anxiety.
Anybody else have that?
I used to get this but only during a panic attack and it all begins with messages sent from the brain.
I would perceive something as being upsetting, the brain would send that anxious signal, it would cause the release of adrenaline into the internal systems and then of course, hot neck.
I learned over time to control this chemical dump and to ignore the "triggers" that would cause this...I quit worrying about the little things that we all see or feel in daily life.
Good luck!
E-Man. :)
09-14-2014, 06:20 AM
Shortness of breath for me but i do get the rapid heart and flood of heat down or up my neck. The wife knows when i start subbing my neck what's up. Infact when i have a panic attack it's like a rush over my whole body from the top down.
09-14-2014, 06:29 AM
Shortness of breath for me but i do get the rapid heart and flood of heat down or up my neck. The wife knows when i start subbing my neck what's up. Infact when i have a panic attack it's like a rush over my whole body from the top down.
Have you ever had your hormones checked friend?
How old are you if I may ask that?
E-Man :)
09-14-2014, 07:19 AM
I am 49 E-Man. I had my testosterone checked and it was off the chart low but i can not afford it. No other test though. wish i could of had that testosterone and a few anabolics when i was a lifter :).
09-14-2014, 07:27 AM
Ok bruh..
Yes, I had my T checked in Dec of 2012 and it was 256.
I began getting T injections and also began to feel better overall.
I was getting 200mg a week! It helped with pain but since I've had to move away from my doc's office I just use the topical gel now.
They had my T up to 909!!
If you don't have any insurance, do they have any free clinics in Ohio that could get you some Androgel for free?
I had a clinic near me and they were able to get me 3 bottles at a time through the company that makes the medication.
Yes, I wish I had it too prior to 2012 as I was a lifter also for the 6 years prior..I would've gotten HUGE!!
I was squatting 535 pounds bro! I loved the gym...but that is now in the pasts.
You may also be able to go online and fill out some forms to get the TRT for free since you can't afford it.
This may have a lot to do with your anxiety friend, it did mine...
Just some thoughts.
E-Man :)
09-14-2014, 07:35 AM
I will look into the free androgel. I lifted back in the early 80's. My uncle was a bodybuilder and my grandpa was a doctor so anabolics for him was no problem. He was at his peak in the 70's so they were not illegal i don't think. I also had a friend who was a powerlifter and was actually ranked in the world top 40 until he blew his knee. Squatting in the 700's I could not squat much 400 was pushing it for me. I tell people that i used to bench 255 and weighed 155 and now i weigh 255 and can't bench 155.
Thanks E-man
Say, do i contact the health dept or someone else on help with the androgel?
09-14-2014, 07:40 AM
I just visited the Androgel site and if your Doc would write the scrip then you could get it for as low as $10 per month it says, or if there were any clinics in your area you could get it for free possibly.
There is a way to get what you need friend! Low T is a bad thing for us older fellas...
09-14-2014, 07:45 AM
I will try it thanks.
09-14-2014, 10:18 AM
Thank you! That is exactly what it is for me. I have upsetting thoughts and it gets going. I need to learn to control it. : ) I have obsessive thoughts....
I really want to pop a Ativan...but I am right at the end of my "short term use" and want to avoid those issues. Your comment helps me see I can ignore it and get on with the day. : )
I used to get this but only during a panic attack and it all begins with messages sent from the brain.
I would perceive something as being upsetting, the brain would send that anxious signal, it would cause the release of adrenaline into the internal systems and then of course, hot neck.
I learned over time to control this chemical dump and to ignore the "triggers" that would cause this...I quit worrying about the little things that we all see or feel in daily life.
Good luck!
E-Man. :)
09-14-2014, 02:40 PM
Ha, weird one just now. Watching the game and all of the sudden it felt like a camera flash went off and was projected onto the wall. My balcony door was open and I actually considered looking outside to see if someone with a camera was out there.
It's day time! Lmao
Went out with some pals and got lit up drunk last night. Fun symptoms today!
09-14-2014, 02:56 PM
Thank you! That is exactly what it is for me. I have upsetting thoughts and it gets going. I need to learn to control it. : ) I have obsessive thoughts....
I really want to pop a Ativan...but I am right at the end of my "short term use" and want to avoid those issues. Your comment helps me see I can ignore it and get on with the day. : )
Anxiety flares by excessive thoughts, excessive worry, excessive concerns,.. just ignore them and anxiety will leave you alone.
No more adrenaline dumps! No more panic attacks!
Pretend you're invisible..especially when you are some place that you fear. Surrounded by people that you don't know. With no worry or fears of Judgment at all...It's fun!!
Learn to ignore the stress triggers of every day life..
Accept what you can't change immediately, and work to change things that you actually can.
And make today a good day!
Live for this day, in this moment..Forget the past, have hope for the future.
E-Man :)
09-14-2014, 03:15 PM
That is POWERFUL....I remember when I was 20 I told my self I couldn't wait for the next anxiety attack so that I could face it head on and shine the light on it too see what it was at the root of it. Didn't get another serious one for 25 years! It is true that it feeds on itself. So then I need to ask my self, why I may be allowing self torture. (not to over generalize anxiety)
Anxiety flares by excessive thoughts, excessive worry, excessive concerns,.. just ignore them and anxiety will leave you alone.
No more adrenaline dumps! No more panic attacks!
Pretend you're invisible..especially when you are some place that you fear. Surrounded by people that you don't know. With no worry or fears of Judgment at all...It's fun!!
Learn to ignore the stress triggers of every day life..
Accept what you can't change immediately, and work to change things that you actually can.
And make today a good day!
Live for this day, in this moment..Forget the past, have hope for the future.
E-Man :)
09-14-2014, 05:48 PM
Anxiety flares by excessive thoughts, excessive worry, excessive concerns,.. just ignore them and anxiety will leave you alone.
No more adrenaline dumps! No more panic attacks!
Pretend you're invisible..especially when you are some place that you fear. Surrounded by people that you don't know. With no worry or fears of Judgment at all...It's fun!!
Learn to ignore the stress triggers of every day life..
Accept what you can't change immediately, and work to change things that you actually can.
And make today a good day!
Live for this day, in this moment..Forget the past, have hope for the future.
E-Man :)
I will try these techniques this week, I'm just trying to come off adrenal fatigue without the use of meds. I think mine has been brought on by excessive stress and I am the one to over think everything. it's not going to be easy but here goes! nice post!
09-14-2014, 06:31 PM
I will try these techniques this week, I'm just trying to come off adrenal fatigue without the use of meds. I think mine has been brought on by excessive stress and I am the one to over think everything. it's not going to be easy but here goes! nice post!
Beating anxiety isn't trying something for one week. You make those changes as a way of life. Remember that.
09-15-2014, 01:42 AM
Sharp chest pain, dizziness, and I have this heat sensation that jolts through my head. All of these causing severe onset of anxiety.
09-15-2014, 03:09 PM
It's pretty much a tie for me feeling nauseous and a heavy feeling on my chest.
10-08-2014, 06:35 PM
Heavy tight chest pain/ discomfort. Rapid heartbeat
10-08-2014, 09:32 PM
It used to be dizziness/spacey-ness. I suffered from that daily for about 3 years. Not fun.
10-09-2014, 07:10 AM
Feeling spaced out or unreal as if I'm not really there and about to faint. But I'm not sure if that's a physical or psychological symptom.
10-09-2014, 07:14 AM
Heavy tight chest pain/ discomfort. Rapid heartbeat
That's not so bad. At least you can tell yourself, your not having a heart attack and even imagine that the pain is due to sore ribs or muscles and not heart failure. After all you've probably never had a heart attack.
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