View Full Version : Pmdd

09-10-2014, 11:31 PM
Does anyone have PMDD symptoms?

09-11-2014, 06:53 AM
I suffer greatly from Pmdd symptoms, however, my physiatrist thinks it's only an anxiety disorder. I keep telling him that my anxiety only rears its ugly head, full on, controlling everything, when my period comes. I have heart palpitations, mood swings like crazy, crying fits, tingling in legs and feet, horrible head aches, thoughts of losing control and just not being myself.

Are you experiencing PMDD symptoms?

09-11-2014, 08:31 AM
Brans0605, I am new to PMDD, and it is only a self diagnosis. I need to get to a doctor a.s.a.p but I don't have any insurance. I don't know if what I am experience is PMDD or not, but I believe it is. From the symptoms you listed I have major heart palpitations, especially before bed, if my brain lets me get to bed. I have never had insomnia until now. Last night I didn't get to bed until 4:30am. My mood swings are ok. I have had multiple crying fights in the past week. I do get tingly from time to time, and headache I never got until this past week. The thoughts of losing control and not being yourself, can you give me more detail? My thoughts have seen obsessive, like paranoid, and not myself, and it has scared me. Is something you have experienced? My period is due in 4 days, and I hope these symptoms go away when Aunt Flo finally gets here. I do think I need something to take because I can't handle this every month, for two weeks. I heard it is because of my hormones being off balance since I got off of birth control. Should I get back on and will it help my mental state? What do you take?

09-11-2014, 08:46 AM
MAM090982 -- I'm a self diagnose(r) as well. When I first started having those symptoms I described (and yes obsessive, weird and not your normal thoughts is how I felt like I wasn't myself) I narrowed it down to anxiety or PMDD. I learned through research that had our symptoms shown up 10 years ago or so, doctors wouldn't know what was going on and would have thought it was just generalized anxiety. This is a new thing for doctors, and in my case, I don't think my psychiatrist believes PMDD is a real thing. To treat PMDD, is similar to treating GAD (generalized anxiety disorder). I currently take Lexapro 10mg and at first it was working wonders. I have had several people tell me to give birth control a try sense my hormonal imbalance could be effecting those symptoms, which scare me to death sometimes.

My advice on how to understand it so it doesn't scare you, record it. Every month around your period, record your symptoms. It doesn't have to be a day before your period is suppose to begin, it can be a week or possibly two. (if you have an iphone, I suggest the My Cycles app) After you record your symptoms for three months, talk to your doctor. She or he may be able to offer advice on if medication will help and what kinds to try.

For me, to ease that worrying mind and help me get past the "I'm going crazy and insane" stage, the recording of my symptoms allowed me to prepare for what was coming every month. It gives a name to what you experience, instead of it being the unknown. :-) I hope this helps you MAM. I'm still working through the kinks but if ever you need to talk through a bad episode or feeling, please know that you can reach out for me. We will beat this together girl!!!

09-11-2014, 09:11 AM
Brans06065, most people suggest not to self-diagnose, but I feel more comfortable knowing my symptoms are based on something and not that I am "going crazy". The obsessive and weird thoughts scare me the most. Once I am scared, it is a downward spiral into one negative thought after another. My Naturopathic said our brains are powerful but are also like computer programs, we have to tell it what to do. Talking to yourself is not a bad thing. It is so hard to stay positive when out of no where, you cry, or have a scary thought. I do have menstrual app on my Galaxy will use to log my cycle, that I will now log my symptoms, thank you for the great suggestion. I wish I had insurance to see a doctor, but I don't, and they are so expensive. I feel like I can do it on my own, and then sometimes I feel helpless. Your responses have definitely eased my mind a ton already. Thank you so much for your very kind message. Let's beat this. I don't want this disease to win, and take over my life, I have so much I want to do in life.