View Full Version : The media now a days!

09-10-2014, 01:57 AM
Arghh! Is it just me who can't stand all these stupid stories that are reported daily in the news like how having too many fry ups for breakfast increases your risk of cancer, sleeping pills increase your risk of Alzheimer’s, eating too much red meat increases your risk of bowel cancer, binge drinking in your 20s increases your risk of heart disease when your older, i even read the other day that people who go red in the face when they're drinking alcohol are more likely to develop esophagus cancer, its crazy! If we believed everything we read then we'd be sat in a dark room, running a lap of it every so often and only eating lettuce.

I read 'The Sun' newspaper every day (uk) and without fail there is something along those lines in there, obviously i've got health anxiety so it bothers me a little more than probably the general population but they just name stuff that 95% of people do daily and then tell them that what they're increasing there risk of.

09-10-2014, 06:34 AM
Arghh! Is it just me who can't stand all these stupid stories that are reported daily in the news like how having too many fry ups for breakfast increases your risk of cancer, sleeping pills increase your risk of Alzheimer’s, eating too much red meat increases your risk of bowel cancer, binge drinking in your 20s increases your risk of heart disease when your older, i even read the other day that people who go red in the face when they're drinking alcohol are more likely to develop esophagus cancer, its crazy! If we believed everything we read then we'd be sat in a dark room, running a lap of it every so often and only eating lettuce.

I read 'The Sun' newspaper every day (uk) and without fail there is something along those lines in there, obviously i've got health anxiety so it bothers me a little more than probably the general population but they just name stuff that 95% of people do daily and then tell them that what they're increasing there risk of.

Maybe there are so many people with health anxiety BECAUSE of this :)

I agree with you.. I saw that on the news tonight about sleeping pills and Alzheimer's. I was on and off benzos for 20 years, so add Alzheimer's to my list of things I'm at risk of. It just gets ridiculous and at some point you have to weigh up quality vs quantity of life..

09-10-2014, 07:59 AM
I don't watch the news, read the papers, or pay any attention to the media in an effort to keep my anxiety levels lowered. It seems to help a lot.

Enduronman. :)

09-10-2014, 09:16 AM
I do not watch the news either, it is too difficult to take. I read them on computer and I am trying to be selective. tv is not my thing:) Lucky me;)

09-10-2014, 01:19 PM
Darn it!!!!!!!!! Now i have to add alzheimer's to the list, benzos for me every day for the last 14 years. Fricken health anxiety :(

09-10-2014, 08:30 PM
Darn it!!!!!!!!! Now i have to add alzheimer's to the list, benzos for me every day for the last 14 years. Fricken health anxiety :(
yeah I had read it, but I do not believe it. There was time when the margarine was the only healthy choice and sweeteners. Now we know better:)
Media publishes all the time some not researched BS when there is good and stable I will try to believe it. do not worry John I am on clonazepam everydday. You see already making the mistakes:)
Eggs are good, then money changes hands and eggs are not good.............

09-10-2014, 09:31 PM
GYDA- I used to think that most of the stories on the news were created just to have something to talk about and that there wasn't much scientific evidence to back it up. However, I think that you should take these stories seriously. People used to think that smoking wasn't unhealthy. You never know what's going to be true so I believe that you should take these stories seriously but with a grain of salt, certainly.

09-11-2014, 04:32 AM
I just need to stop watching and reading so much news ( i am a news addict and i need help ). I need a 12 step process for news addiction :(

09-12-2014, 08:12 AM
Watching or reading the news sets me off over time. For me its the politics (thieving Bs) that tend to set me off. I think in this day and age we are exposed to way to much information. Our minds have not evolved to handle the volume of data as fast as our technology has to bring us that information. I try to keep my mind on my family and business.

09-12-2014, 09:37 AM
I always try to avoid the news, newspaper, etc. Even with the radio, I turn it off at the hourly news update. Its so depressing and can make you really anxious. what really annoys me, is that there are millions of good things that happen each day compared to the bad things, but the news only picks the worst and most depressing storylines, as if they are the only news. Annoyingly, I've been told that as I'm in school, and we're some of the oldest students, that we should be regularly watching the news and reading newspapers! I don't think this is necessary, so I'll still try and avoid it. The news likes to think its educating people of what's going on in the world, but really, its only depressing people. I've actually read that there is more negativity in the world because of it. You watch the news, think negatively, and negative things happen, and so the cycle goes. I avoid the news, or any other form of depressing storyline, because I know I'm better off without, and it will only make me anxious, so the best idea is to stop watching/reading / listening to news if possible. I'm a lot happier because of it :)